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Environment Canada forecasts shows a 40-60% probability that precipitation will be BELOW normal across the Prairies for May-June-July 2018. The forecast leans dry…
How well do you know your weed seedlings? Test yourself with these five photos…
Farmers can count on 20-50% of the moisture from snow-melt to enter the soil. This variability depends a lot on surface soil moisture conditions. A North Dakota study (Willis and Haas) concluded that 50% of snow-melt moisture runs off or evaporates when surface soils (top 30-40 cm) are dry and up to 80% runs off when surface soils are wet…
What pulse is right for you? Canola growers looking for a pulse crop to add to their rotation can use the table to compare soybeans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, fababeans and edible beans…
As you pick up canola seed, look at the thousand seed weight for each lot and run that through the seed rate calculator at canolacalculator.ca. This will indicate the seeding rate required to hit your target stand…
Canola Digest has five issues per year, including the Science Edition. All articles are posted online at canoladigest.ca. Here are the top 10 most-clicked articles from the September 2017 to March 2018 issues…
Use this quick-reference table to compare key distinguishing features, mechanisms for spread, and management options for blackleg, clubroot and sclerotinia stem rot…
Saskatchewan wants to increase its understanding of the distribution of clubroot in the province. The Ministry of Agriculture will conduct an extensive clubroot survey in the highest risk regions of Saskatchewan, which will include (1) areas in close proximity to clubroot infested areas along the Alberta-Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan-Manitoba borders; (2) high canola production areas; and (3) regions with favourable environmental…