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Early season hail rarely has an impact on canola yield potential. Hailed seedlings usually come back very well. Even when individual plants die, a whole canola crop is fairly resilient to early season hail when it comes to overall yield potential…
Photographs can be a valuable diagnostic tool, but they have to be in focus, taken from various angles and come with details on field conditions and location…
At Alberta canolaPALOOZA, June 27 at Lacombe, farmer Brian Tischler will demonstrate his AgraBot. The DIY autonomous tractor uses free and open source software called AgOpenGPS. At canolaPALOOZA, Tischler will show how to set up a field and then send the tractor to complete the field on its own…
A quick quiz to test spraying windows, inversions and timing…
Up until yesterday, many parts of Alberta and Western Saskatchewan hadn't received much rain over the past week. The Eastern Prairies got more. Rain events continue today in some areas…
Early-seeded and slow-growing canola crops (usually due to dry conditions) have faced more flea beetle pressure this year, particularly in Manitoba and central Alberta. Flea beetle emergence tended to occur before most canola crops had emerged, so flea beetles concentrated on the earliest fields. And because topsoil moisture levels were fairly low, these canola plants were growing very slowly. Concentrated…
In general, early is the best for herbicide timing. A few early weeds emerging before or at the same time as canola plants are much more damaging to yield than……
Adding micronutrient solutions, especially zinc, to glyphosate is highly antagonistic to the herbicide…
It is always good practice to clean the sprayer, especially between pre-seed and in-crop applications. Please read the updated article…