The Brown soil moisture probe indicates the depth of moist soil. This depth can indicate the inches of available moisture in the root zone…
Canola Watch Posts
The International Clubroot Workshop, a gathering of clubroot researchers, is August 7-9 in Edmonton. Extension specialists, municipal staff, canola growers and anyone else interested in clubroot management are welcome to attend…
Five questions (including two survey questions) on observations and actions when scouting in the first week or so after seeding…
One of our Alberta agronomy specialists encountered the situation in the photo. Canola emergence was patchy in this small area, but generally good overall. The bigger issue was the big population of tiny weeds. The agronomy specialist wondered if these buckwheat seedlings, though very abundant, were too small to spray? The answer is no…
Include cutworms on the scouting checklist for the first one to three weeks after emergence. Any later and management becomes more difficult because (i) spraying a registered insecticide is useless because the cutworms have developed beyond the feeding stage, and/or (ii) reseeding options are starting to be limited…