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In-crop fertilizer applications can rescue a deficiency situation. But what nutrients are deficient? Look for these symptoms…
The International Clubroot Workshop, a gathering of clubroot researchers, is August 7-9 in Edmonton. Extension specialists, municipal staff, canola growers and anyone else interested in clubroot management are welcome to attend…
Five questions (including two survey questions) on observations and actions when scouting in the first week or so after seeding…
Most areas of the Prairies got some rain over the past week, according to this AAFC map…
One of our Alberta agronomy specialists encountered the situation in the photo. Canola emergence was patchy in this small area, but generally good overall. The bigger issue was the big population of tiny weeds. The agronomy specialist wondered if these buckwheat seedlings, though very abundant, were too small to spray? The answer is no…
With warm soils, decent moisture and 1” seeding depth, emergence can occur about a week after seeding. If emergence is slow or patchy, scout to find out why. The first 21 days are critical to a successful canola crop…
If the tissue underneath the bite is still living, the seedling will likely survive as long as (1) the stem can still bear the weight of the cotyledons and first leaves, (2) the stem is not to subjected to more feeding, and (3) weather conditions are good for plant growth…
Include cutworms on the scouting checklist for the first one to three weeks after emergence. Any later and management becomes more difficult because (i) spraying a registered insecticide is useless because the cutworms have developed beyond the feeding stage, and/or (ii) reseeding options are starting to be limited…
Factors that affect herbicide carryover are herbicide group, field history, soil characteristics, dry conditions and temperature…