Canola Community Connections

Western Forum on Pest Management (WFPM) is November 5-7 at the Atlas hotel in Regina, Saskatchewan. This year, there will be non-concurrent sessions that allow attendees to attend both the plant pathology (WCPD) and the entomology (WCCP) segments of the meeting. See the WFPM website for registration, hotel block, the graduate student sponsorship program and more.

Canola Week, including Canola Discovery Forum, is December 3-5 in Saskatoon. Registration will open soon. Information.

The Canadian Grain Commission’s voluntary Harvest Sample Program will accept harvest samples of canola and other grains until November 30. In exchange for submitting canola samples, growers get: (1) unofficial grade*, (2) dockage assessment and (3) oil, protein and chlorophyll content. The CGC uses submitted samples to generate quality and safety data that helps marketers promote domestic and international sales of Canadian grain, evaluate the effectiveness of grading factors, and conduct scientific research to mitigate grain quality and grain safety issues. *The grade provided through the Harvest Sample Program is unofficial because samples aren’t collected by a Canadian Grain Commission inspector. Click here for sample kits and more information.

Sclerotinia sampling in a canola field (post-harvest)
Canola stem infected by verticillium stripe; Photo credit Yixiao Wang

Read this Canola Research Hub blog: Identify verticillium stripe as the first step to effective management

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Do More Ag Foundation
Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program