QUIZ – Harvest loss


Drop pans are useful tools to measure canola loss out the back of the combine. Using the harvest loss calculator, what is the approximate bu./ac. canola loss in this scenario: 35-foot header, 60” (5-foot) discharge width, 5-square-foot drop pan, 50 bu./ac. canola yield and 18 grams of canola seed in the drop pan?

Combine operator and drop pan
Checking the drop pan
2. You’re out checking for canola seed colour change and you find seeds like this. 

Aster yellows can cause precocious germination in canola pods 

This is precocious germination. A Canola Watch article (link in answer) describes three causes. Can you select all three correct causes from the list below? (You need to pick all three correct answers, and not the wrong answer, to get the point.)

You’re out checking for canola seed colour change and you see this. What is turning these canola pods black?

Sooty mould on canola pods


Three questions – one related to harvest loss and two strange things you might find when checking canola fields for harvest timing.