The second day of Saskatchewan’s Crop Diagnostic School: Hosted by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF), July 25 in Melfort, SK. To register, click here.
Saskatchewan Disease Training Days: Hosted in partnership between SaskCanola, Agri-ARM and the Canola Council of Canada and free to attend. Members of each of these organizations will be presenting as well as local crop extension specialists and provincial specialists. Topics covered will include disease scouting, identification for the four main canola diseases, and taking samples to submit for confirmation. Register here to attend. Workshops will be held in:
– Outlook, SK, on August 28 (bonus: CCC agronomy specialist Shawn Senko will be joining)
– Melfort, SK, on September 5 (bonus: CCC agronomy specialist Ian Epp will be joining)
– Yorkton, SK on September 12 (bonus: CCC agronomy specialists Warren Ward and Breanna Miller will be joining)
Registration is now open for the Water Security Agency (WSA)’s Point of Adequate Outlet (PAO) course. To register, contact Heather Davies. Full introductory PAO course dates are as follows:
* Sept 20 online virtual session (9-11am) + Sept 26 field day near Yorkton, SK (9am-3pm)
* Oct 4 online virtual session (9-11am) + Oct 9 field day near Moose Jaw, SK (9am-3pm)
Each year, surveyors conduct field visits to gather information for insect survey and population maps in Alberta. In addition, producers can fill out this online Cutworm web submission form to report the location and other details about suspected cutworm finds. Use this interactive map of Alberta to view Cutworm survey results.
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is administering a 50:50 cost-share rebate program for efforts to control ground squirrel populations. The deadline to claim under the 2024-25 program is July 31, 2024. For more information, click here.
Canola Council agronomy specialists and other provincial canola specialists are available to help diagnose issues in crops. However, they need adequate information and good photographs to be able to provide meaningful advice. Here are photography tips and good guidelines for submitting samples.

You might have seen CCC agronomy specialist and sclerotinia lead, Chris Manchur, on a recent episode of RealAg’s The Agronomists discussing our new sclerotinia risk assessment tool. If not, here’s a link to view the broadcast. The new tool offers a recommendation about whether or not to spray a canola crop (at 20-50 per cent flower) and an opportunity to assess the spray decision by rating disease severity at maturity (30-60 per cent seed colour change.) It also features an economic calculator and a helpful sclerotinia resource library. Check it out today at CanolaCalculator.ca.
Contribute to valuable research by collecting sclerotia in canola: A new research project examining whether sclerotinia in canola has developed fungicide tolerance needs field samples. Samples from 100 fields are needed in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Please collect sclerotia or 2-5 infected stem-pieces in canola fields after harvest, then ship using the address and other information in this pdf. If you have questions, email AAFC Research Scientist Lone.Buchwaldt@agr.gc.ca. Thanks in advance for your help!
University of Manitoba Faculty Conversation: “What bugs a farmer’s crops? Assessing damage in canola” – Recording now available here. A conversation with researchers Alejandro Costamagna, Héctor Cárcamo and Canola Council agronomy specialist Keith Gabert on flea beetles and lygus bugs.
Cleanfarms’ ag plastic recycling: click here for what to recycle and where. Click here for more information about recycling large tote bags.
Tick Tactics: Understanding and avoiding ticks – a new podcast from Real Agriculture featuring Dr. Curtis Russell of Public Health Ontario (PHO).
Keep it Clean 2024 Product Advisory Webinar – Recording now available here.
Watch the webinar for an overview of the crop protection product and crop combinations that may cause market risks for the 2024 growing season.
Subscribe to SaskCanola’s texting service
To receive weekly oilseed market outlook reports and canola agronomy resources, subscribe to SaskCanola’s texting service; sent 2-3 times per week by text depending on season and issues. You may unsubscribe at any time. Have questions for SaskCanola? Farmers can also text the number to initiate a two-way conversation with SaskCanola’s staff. Click here for details on how to subscribe.

Read this Canola Research Hub blog: Thirteen new projects underway for CARP in 2024
Are you or is someone you know feeling burnt out, unreasonably stressed or exhausted? Help is available.
– Support lines by province
– Do More Ag Foundation
– Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program
SAFETY: Think safety first. Farm safety resources are available from the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association.