QUIZ – This Week in Agronomy

This quiz has three questions and lots to learn on fungicide for blackleg, cutworm thresholds and flea beetle activity in wind and rain.

1. Fungicide to stop blackleg can provide an economic return in some scenarios. (More on that in the answer.) If a field is in a scenario where fungicide will provide a potential return on investment, when should growers apply that fungicide? 
2. The insecticide application threshold for cutworms varies by crop. SaskCanola has a new guide called Insecticide Options for 2024,which it created in conjunction with other commodity organizations. The guide provides a quick comparison of thresholds for various insects and crops. The following are actual thresholds for cutworm, but only one is for canola. Which is the nominal threshold for canola?
Dingy cutworm
Dingy cutworm
3. In rainy or windy conditions, how should canola growers and agronomists modify their flea beetle scouting?