SaskCanola’s Top Notch Farming trial program aims to actively engage farmers and agronomists, seeking their input to shape future projects and cultivate a collaborative network involving SaskCanola, farmers, agronomists, and research specialists. Currently, the organization is accepting applications for the 2024 trials. The deadline to apply is March 15th. For information on protocols being offered this year, and to submit an application, visit: On-Farm Research Trials — SaskCanola
Top Notch Farming extension meetings, Saskatchewan. Registration and information links for the two remaining locations:
Unity, February 8
Melfort, February 13
Manitoba Canola Growers Annual General Meeting. February 15, 7:15 a.m., Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre in Winnipeg in conjunction with the CropConnect Conference. Pre-registration is not required to attend. Information
Canola Watch annual exam for Certified Crop Advisors and Certified Crop Science Consultants (and anyone else who wants to enhance their agronomy skills) has five sections:
-Soil & Water (1.0 CCA credit in soil and water management)
-Diseases, Weeds and Insects (1.0 CCA credit in integrated pest management)
-Canola Watch Fundamentals (0.5 CCA credit in integrated pest management and 0.5 CCA credit in crop management)
-Agronomy tips from new canola multi-media (1.0 CCA credit in crop management)
-Canola Digest Science 2023 (0.5 CCA credit in integrated pest management and 0.5 CCA credit in nutrient management)
Find them all here
Clean Fuel Regulations, February 21, Noon CST. What do the Canadian regulations mean for canola growers? Registration and information
Farmer First Aid Training
–March 12, all day, Steinbach, Manitoba
–March 14, all day, Virden, Manitoba
Participants will learn First Aid principals and the skills needed in life-threatening emergencies and/or common non-emergency farm-related injuries or illnesses. Free for KAP and MCGA members. $50 for anyone else. Space is limited. Registration and information

CanoLABs for agronomists
The Canola Council of Canada teams up with researchers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to provide a training event for agronomists in each province. These CanoLABs will provide a hands-on learning experience for agronomists to brush up on their disease identification before the growing season. The events will feature four sessions (40 minutes each) examining four major canola diseases in the Prairies: blackleg, clubroot, sclerotinia stem rot and verticillium stripe. CEU credits will be available.
CanoLAB registrations are capped at 50 per province. Registration is open now and will close when each event reaches capacity.
–Alberta CanoLAB: 9:30-3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26 at the University of Alberta (cost: $130, includes lunch)
–Saskatchewan CanoLAB: 1:00-4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 28 at AAFC Saskatoon (cost: $78.75)
–Manitoba CanoLAB: 8:30-12:30 p.m. on Thursday April 4 at the University of Manitoba (cost: $78.75)
Are you or is someone you know feeling burnt out, unreasonably stressed or exhausted? Help is available.
– Support lines by province
– Do More Ag Foundation
– Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program