QUIZ – Missing pods

Many factors through the reproductive stage of canola can lead to blanks on the stem where pods should be. Here are four questions on the “missing pods” theme, with good links for more information.

1. Heat at flowering is a common reason for missing pods. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) research scientist Malcolm Morrison found that yield loss for canola would start to occur when temperatures during flowing exceeded _______°C. (Fill in the blank)
2. Strange growth patterns like the one shown in the photo have been observed in canola on the Prairies fairly often over the past decade. This mystery syndrome” or “floral deformation syndromeis very likely the result of hormone imbalance caused by what? 
Missing pods due to hormone imbalance
3. The Canola Watch article on reasons for missing pods names two nutrients that, if deficient, are known to affect reproductive activity in canola flowers, leading to empty or missing pods. What are the two nutrients?
4. With favourable growing condition, canola can flower longer to compensate for aborted flowers and missing pods earlier in the flowering window. Research from AAFC has shown that ______ per cent of the flowers produced on a plant develop productive pods.  (Fill in the blank.)