The Canola Council of Canada is gearing up for year two of Canola 4R Advantage by announcing an expanded offering of financial support to growers as they initiate or advance 4R Nutrient Stewardship on their farms.
Year two of the program will cover expenses paid by growers between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. A new digital application portal is expected to open in June 2023. In the meantime, visit to view our recorded webinar covering program changes for year two. Canola 4R Advantage continues to provide incentives for canola growers to initiate or advance best management practices (BMPs) in four areas: 1) soil testing, 2) enhanced efficiency fertilizers, 3) preferred application and 4) field zone mapping.
In year two, these additional program enhancements are available to growers:
- More dollars per BMP: Funding limits for each of these four BMPs will increase from $6,000 per BMP per farm to $20,000 per BMP per farm.
- More BMPs per farm: Each farm can seek support for up to four BMPs per year, compared to the limit of two BMPs per farm in year one.
- Added eligibility for 4R plan development: In addition to support for up to four BMPs, the program can reimburse a portion of consulting fees charged by a 4R designated agronomist to develop a grower’s 4R Nutrient Stewardship Plan.
- Funding continued adoption of new practices: Growers can seek funding to continue BMPs that were started since February 7, 2022. This change provides another incentive to keep using 4R practices over the long term.
Other program details established by AAFC will remain in place, including the 85 per cent reimbursement cap for eligible expenses and a maximum $75,000 limit in total funding received by a farm business across all OFCAF programs over the two-year OFCAF program lifetime.
The CCC is also collaborating on 4R demonstration sites in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The CCC will share more details over the coming months.
Visit to find answers to common questions and to contact program administrators with any additional inquiries.