Helpful links for delivery contracts. Many growers have expressed concerns about not being able to deliver on forward-priced delivery contracts. Our national producer group, the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA), has developed resources that can help farmers navigate their contracts: CCGA: What to Consider if Production Comes Up Short on a Deferred Delivery Contract, CCGA: A Practical Guide to Navigate Grain Contracts, CCGA: website
Thanks from Manitoba Canola Growers. Manitoba Canola Growers would like to thank everyone that joined us for our Make Every Seed Count: Practical Tips to Minimize Canola Harvest Loss webinar. We really appreciated everyone who took part in the event and asked questions. We are happy to share this webinar recording with everyone that registered.
Leave check strips in fields sprayed for lygus. Help us harvest valuable information from this challenging year by leaving a check strip in fields that get sprayed for lygus. After sweeping the field, record lygus numbers (threshold is 2-3 mature or late instar nymphs per sweep). The impact of lygus is different in wet and dry conditions, and if we collect enough data from check strips this year, we will have better information the next time a hot, dry, lygus summer occurs. The check strip should be 200-300 m long (or the length of the field) and be situated away from the field margins. Think you can do this or already have? Reach out to Keith Gabert ( or Autumn Barnes ( with the Canola Council of Canada.

Canola flower midge. Tiny midge larvae (see photo) have been collected within pods in a few fields in south central Saskatchewan and Alberta. DNA analysis from 2020 identified one of these samples as Contarinia brassicola (canola flower midge). If you find larvae in canola or any other unexpected pest in your canola, collect and preserve them. Then contact your local Canola Council agronomy specialist to assess. Canola flower midge is not considered an economic threat to canola production in Western Canada, but since it is closely related to swede midge, a serious pest elsewhere in brassica vegetables, canola and oilseed rape production globally, research is underway to learn more about this relatively new pest. Learn more about the canola flower midge in the Canola Encyclopedia.
SURVEY: Agroclimate Impact Reporter: Growing Season 2021. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is currently collecting information from producers to detail the impacts they are facing due to weather and climate. Please complete this five-minute survey to provide information on the situation in your local area and distribute to others in your network who may have information to share.
Any growers willing to support weed research by getting rid of some cleavers? Breanne Tidemann, a researcher from AAFC Lacombe, is looking for mature cleavers that have (ideally) not been treated with pre-harvest glyphosate along with a corresponding GPS location. This is for her research on cleavers populations, emergence factors impacting cleavers and potential differences between populations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta that may affect management strategies. If you can contribute, contact Breanne at to confirm sample collection details (number of plants needed, best method of sending, etc.) and mail to: Breanne Tidemann, 6000 C&E Trail, Lacombe, AB, T4L 1W1.
Fire prevention and safety. To prevent machinery fires, perform a pre-operational inspection on any equipment on a daily basis. Look for 1.) Any build-up of crop residue around the engine, exhaust systems and belts and chains, 2.) Any damage or worn parts on the exhaust system, drive belts, electrical wiring, moving parts, 3.) Any signs of leaking fluids, oils and fuel or 4.) Any odour of burning electrical wiring. For more fire prevention and safety tips, click here.
Do More Ag – 2021 has thrown a lot at all of us. Mother Nature has shared everything from drought, drowning and hail to extreme heat, frost and even a few tornados. Visit for resources, crisis lines and websites that can help with your mental well-being.
Ag Forward: Managing on-farm plastics – Many farmers have shared their preference for options that avoid “use and discard’ practices for on-farm plastics, but admit they are challenged to find alternatives. A new series of articles is being published to give producers advice on how to manage on-farm plastics. They can be found at and through the “Programs by province/Western Canada/Alberta” navigation. The program is a co-operative effort between the Government of Alberta, Cleanfarms and Agricultural Plastics Recycling Group (APRG).