The final 2020 Canola Performance Trials (CPT) small plot and field scale data report is available on the CPT website for viewing and downloading. This report features small plot yield, days to maturity, height and lodging scores for each variety. Results are presented by location, by season zones (short, mid and long) and across all season zones. Results are based on 34 small plot (16 standard, 18 straight cut) and 61 field scale (16 standard, 35 straight cut and 10 clubroot) trials across the Prairies.

The 2020 program acknowledges the funding from Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and the Manitoba Canola Growers Association, with contributions from the B.C. Grain Producers Association. The 2020 trials were again coordinated by Haplotech with direction from the CPT Governance and Technical Committees. The Canola Council of Canada supported on the delivery of the program.
For more information, please review and share the PDF of the final 2020 CPT small plot and field scale data report. The final 2020 dataset will be added into the searchable database shortly.