Access a comprehensive database of canola agronomic research using the Canola Research Hub’s new user-friendly interface at

The Hub is a knowledge transfer tool – designed to share the latest canola research findings with growers, agronomists and industry stakeholders who can apply these innovations to improve canola yields and profitability. Research featured on the Hub assists in defining recommended best management practices based on current scientific evidence, supporting the production of sustainable and profitable canola in Canada.
The Hub is now highly searchable, so you can access a full report, short summary or key finding on a specific project quickly, and easily share those results with colleagues or customers (via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter buttons). The Canola Research Hub also includes blog posts to help highlight timely content throughout the growing season including the research behind recommended practices and research program updates.
In preparation for the growing season ahead, this is a great time to explore the functionality of the Canola Research Hub and take a deep dive into research results that can be put into action on the farm.
This advancement of the Canola Research Hub has been made possible through the support of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership and the canola industry, including Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers and the Canola Council of Canada.