In celebration of Phosphorus Week and the 350th anniversary of the discovery of this essential element for agriculture, Fertilizer Canada launched “4R Management of Phosphorus Fertilizer in the Northern Great Plains: A Review of the Scientific Literature”, written by Cindy Grant and Don Flaten.
Here are a few key messages taken from page 39 of the summary document:
–Under conventional or reduced tillage systems, subsurface banding in or near the seed-row, at time of seeding, at rates based on suitable soil testing practices and reasonable yield goals will normally provide the most environmentally and economically sustainable results.
–Crops differ in their P demand, sensitivity to seed-placed fertilizer and ability to access P from fertilizer bands or the soil, so management practices must be selected to suit the individual crop.
–Phosphorus supply should be balanced with phosphorus removal over the long term to avoid excess depletion or accumulation.