Canola Watch quiz: Clubroot

This quiz includes a link to the video “Clubroot of canola: Disease cycle” and the resources at Take time to learn as much as possible about this disease and how to stop it.

1. This video is an excellent overview of the clubroot disease cycle. Before an infected plant dies, plasmodia in the galls start dividing into resting spores. As the gall decays, resting spores are released back into the soil. How many spores can one infected root produce?
2. If you see a dead-looking patch like this while swathing, what do you do?

3. Volunteer canola as well as brassica weeds are susceptible to clubroot. It is necessary to control these weeds in non-canola years to reduce spore build up and negate the benefit of crop rotation as a disease management tool. Which of these weeds are susceptible to clubroot?
4. What is this?