Pest survey results for 2016


Results from the disease survey show increases in sclerotinia stem rot incidence. Blackleg incidence is down from 2015 in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and up in Alberta.

Around 90% of surveyed fields had some sclerotinia stem rot in 2016. This graphs shows the percentage of plants infected (incidence), by province.
Around 90% of surveyed fields had some sclerotinia stem rot in 2016. This graphs shows the percentage of plants infected (incidence), by province.

This graph shows the percentage of plants within surveyed fields that have blackleg symptoms.
This graph shows the percentage of plants that had blackleg symptoms within surveyed fields that have blackleg.

Clubroot was on the increase in Alberta again, with resistance failing in more fields. Survey results are not available at this time.


The Prairie Pest Monitoring Network blog includes the following:

Swede midge. In 2016, swede midge pheromone traps were deployed at 62 sites across the Prairie region to monitor adult populations of this brassica pest. None of the traps was positive for swede midge in 2016.

John Gavloski’s Summary of Insects on Crops in Manitoba in 2016. Here is his overall summary:

Flea beetles in canola and cutworms continued to be at economical levels in many areas of Manitoba in 2016, although flea beetle damage was less than in 2015. … Some canola fields had economical levels of lygus bugs in July and August.