Swede midge, native to Eurasia, was first found in North America on cruciferous vegetables (Brassicaceae) in Ontario in 2000. It first appeared in canola in Ontario in 2003.

Extreme swede midge populations in Northeastern Ontario resulted in the Ontario Canola Growers’ Association strongly recommending that producers avoid growing canola for 3 years in the New Liskeard area in an attempt
to suppress swede midge populations.
Tracey Baute and Meghan Moran with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Dr. Rebecca Hallett at the University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences, put together this infosheet to help Ontario canola growers manage the insect. Ontario swede midge Infosheet 2016
Growers in Western Canada: The swede midge experience in Ontario does not reflect the biology of the pest on the Prairies. Therefore management practices recommended in the Ontario infosheet do not apply to Western Canada. That may change, but for now Prairie growers can use these guidelines.