The Ultimate Canola Challenge (UCC) evaluates additive canola products to see under which conditions they provide value over current best management practices. The UCC is growing up and evolving into a much larger program this year.
UCC 2015 will provide a field-scale trial protocol so canola growers can test and evaluate new tools or techniques for their farms.
As part of UCC 2015, the CCC agronomy team is looking for 12-15 growers from across the Prairies to test boron in field-scale trials in 2015.
The CCC agronomy team will work with both researchers and growers to make sure they have a clear understanding of the protocol in order to ensure consistency across trials. The CCC agronomy specialists will also visit the trials throughout the growing season to confirm their viability.
If you are interested in participating in this boron trial, please contact CCC agronomy specialist Nicole Philp at or 306-551-4597.
More on boron: In limited studies to date, boron has not shown to have a significant impact on canola yield. Growers are more likely to see a return on investment by applying nitrogen, phosphate and sulphur at soil-test recommended rates than they are from boron. However, given the interest in boron, the UCC study hopes to identify specific situations, including soil type, environmental conditions and soil test indications, where boron may provide a return.