Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) permits “unlabelled” tank mixes as long as products in the mix are used under the following conditions:
1. Each tank mix partner is registered for use in Canada on the crop of interest. Note that just because products have similar actives or are generics does not mean that they are registered for use on the same crops. Check labels closely.
2. The tank mix only includes an adjuvant when specifically required by one of the tank mix partner labels. If an adjuvant is not required on the label of any tank mix partner, then no adjuvant may be added to the tank mix.
3. The application timings of all tank mix partners are compatible with regards to crop and pest staging.
4. Each tank mix partner is applied in accordance with its registered product label (for example, Directions for Use, Precautions, Buffer Zones, etc.). In cases where information on the tank mix partner labels differs between them, the most restrictive directions must be followed.
5. The tank mix is not specifically excluded or contradicted on either tank mix partner label. For example the label says “DO NOT mix this product with …”.
6. The use of the tank mix provides additional value to the user (for example, increased scope of pests controlled, contributes to resistance management or integrated pest management, cost or time savings).
Direct link to the PMRA page with this information, and more.
Most crop protection companies have a list of supported tank mixes for their products.