Flea beetle spraying picked up again this week, as more canola fields reached thresholds. Don’t give up on flea beetle scouting just yet. Click here for more on the flea beetle spray decision.
Cutworm feeding has been detected in some fields, but spraying is still minimal at this time.
Digging will be required to distinguish whether cutworms or wireworms are to blame — or not — for patches within a field.Wireworms prefer grasses and cereals over canola, and occasionally cause economic losses in canola. In the rare cases when wireworm causes economic damage in canola, they tend to be in recently-broken fields or fields near pastures and in smaller patches. Growers do not have a control option for wireworms in canola. Click here for more on cutworms vs. wireworms.
Cabbage seedpod weevil have been spotted in canola in southern Alberta. Wait until early flowering before taking action, if action is necessary. The best time to spray is at 10-20% flower to prevent egg laying in newly formed pods. The weevils overwinter as adults on field margins, and do not move into the field in big numbers until flowering.