Volunteer canola control

volunteer canola
Volunteer canola. Best to hit them with a pre-seed burnoff with Cleanstart, Amitrol 240 or (if non RR) glyphosate.
Volunteer canola. Best to hit them with a pre-seed burnoff.

With the wind losses last fall, canola volunteers may be more plentiful than usual this spring. Volunteer canola is a weed and competes with the crop for nutrients and water and sunlight. Volunteers in a canola crop do not make a positive contribution to yield. Growers also have other reasons to get rid of them: Volunteers do not have seed treatment, so they can introduce seedling diseases and increase flea beetle pressure. Also, volunteers in non canola years provide a host for blackleg, clubroot and insects, reducing the effectiveness of crop rotation for managing these issues.

Click here for products to control canola volunteers ahead of cereals.