Our focus this month is on the trade shows in Saskatoon, Brandon and Edmonton, and why you should come out and hear presentations from Canola Council of Canada agronomy staff and many others. This is a great month to learn more about what happened in 2012 and how growers and agronomists can use these experiences to prepare for better results in 2013.
We also have previews of the hot-ticket CanoLAB events in St. Albert, Brandon and Saskatoon in February and March.
Finally, we have a comprehensive sclerotinia management article we’ll post to our Canola Watch website and refer to again and again, especially in June and July.
CCAs, if you are looking for CEUs in 2013 you still have until January 31 to complete the 2012 Canola Watch CCA exam.
The CCC Convention is March 14-15 in Vancouver. Register by January 12 to enter the next early bird draw. The prize: an iPad mini.