Peace: Decent rain events fell in the region where they were needed (in the north and central Peace). Crops in the north look much better than they did a couple of weeks ago. Canola on heavy clay soils in the wetter southern Peace are starting to deteriorate – where water was standing a few weeks ago, root rot is now starting to appear. Crop staging is variable with the later stages just coming out of flower. Swathing is still about a month away.
Alberta: Heat during recent weeks was welcome in central Alberta and the crop outlook has improved. That area still has adequate moisture to finish the season. Crops that were damaged by hail or were sheared-off by strong winds around Paradise Valley are beginning to reflower. Crop staging in the south is advancing nicely and is about three weeks from swathing. There is some irrigation happening around Lethbridge and the Medicine Hat area could use additional rainfall soon. Alberta crop report.
Saskatchewan: Extremely variable weather in parts of western areas recently. Thundershowers moved through the area with strong winds and heavy rainfall. There will be significant sclerotinia in parts of the northwest. Crops in the southwest (south of Rosetown and Kindersley) look very good and could use additional rainfall to fill. Canola crops in eastern areas look good. Generally crops in the province are coming out of flower and earliest swathing is about 10 days away. Saskatchewan crop report.
Manitoba: Rain for the week was variable (zero to 1 inch). Majority of areas need moisture after several weeks of extremely hot and dry weather. Thin, late seeded stands are not handling the heat/drought as well as the thicker stands either early or late seeded. Staging generally ranges from flowering to seed color change with some swathing occurring on very earliest fields. (No Manitoba crop report during election.)