Lygus schmygus. Sweep net counts approaching thresholds have been reported in many areas across the Prairies, but high counts may not require a spray if canola is growing vigorously and has good moisture conditions.
Low bertha. Trap counts for bertha armyworm adults are fairly low across the Prairies, except for a few hotspots in central Alberta. This suggests a minimal threat of heavy worm damage overall, but don’t let your guard down completely.
Diamond backtrack. Beneficials seem to be doing a good job on diamondback moth larvae. Unless you see significant pod feeding and counts exceed 20-30 per square foot at a few random sites in the field, spraying will not likely provide an economic return.
Why the miSing podS? Six leading factors can cause blanks up the stem. Sulphur deficiency is one of them, and could be a leading contender this year.