—Watch John Mayko’s webinar on “Top 10 agronomy tips before you start seeding” and Doug Moisey’s webinar “Canola stand establishment – Getting the crop off to a great start” on the Alberta Canola Producers Commission website. Click here for instructions to get set up to watch.
—Some growers still have last year’s harvest to combine. Because of lower quality, spring harvested canola usually needs to be handled differently. Check with local crushers and other delivery points to ensure delivery opportunities. (Jim Bessel)
—Grasshoppers are a concern in the Peace’s DeBolt/Valleyview area after high numbers and excessive damage to crops (including canola) last year. Dry conditions in late spring and early summer would favour increased survival and high populations of grasshoppers, as well as move them into crops such as canola earlier if lush vegetation is not abundant. (Erin Brock)
—One producer in the Thorhild region of Alberta had approximately 6,500 acres of canola seeded as of Monday this week. Is this the right strategy? For early seeding tips, read “Tempted to seed early? Think frost” in this edition of Canola Watch. (Doug Moisey)
—Wireworm counts are low in southern Alberta. A UFA agronomy rep laid out 25 to 30 wireworm bait balls between Claresholm and High River. Over the past 10 days, he found only two or three wireworms but it is still early to determine the impact. If you have higher wireworm counts in a field, consider rotating that field out of canola. Click here for tips on how to make a wireworm bait ball. To take part in a wireworm ID survey, click here and read the bottom paragraphs. (Troy Prosofsky)
—For growers in dry areas, we caution against chasing moisture. You are better to aim for half an inch to one inch seeding depth and wait for precipitation — especially this early in the season (Erin Brock)