How to plan ahead for canola yield robbers?
Canola yield robbers from 2024 could also be yield robbers in 2025. Agronomists and farmers can do some prep now to reduce the risk.
- Blackleg. The best defences are crop rotation and resistant cultivars. Seed treatment and early-season fungicide can also help, especially if the first two are compromised. If resistance seems to be dropping, consider trying cultivars with resistance to match the races within a field. More on that here.
- Verticillium stripe. Some Manitoba farmers estimate yield loss at 20 per cent or more. Ensure accurate identification and ask seed companies about cultivars with enhanced resistance.
- Sclerotinia stem rot. Well-timed fungicide can manage this disease. Some sclerotinia-tolerant hybrids are available. Bookmark the sclerotinia management tools here.
- Clubroot. Like blackleg, the best defences are crop rotation and resistant cultivars. See the big cultivar traits table here. Use clubroot resistant cultivars proactively. Scout to ensure resistance is working. If resistance is failing, switch to another source of resistance and reach out to your CCC agronomy specialist.
- Environment. Low moisture and heat at flowering are two major environmental factors hurting yield. Adequate sulphur nutrition will make canola somewhat more resilient. 10 tips to improve canola yields in dry conditions
- Nutrient management. Balanced and adequate nutrition can make canola more resilient to various stresses. Soil tests can help set the right rate for macro and micronutrients. If trying any new product, consider strip trials that include untreated checks. How much fertilizer does canola need? Quick tips for on-farm trials
How does snow inside the bin affect safe storage?
Heavy winds the past few days blew a lot of snow up under eaves and into grain bins. This may not be a storage risk factor as long as bins stay cold, but could create high moisture areas when temperatures rise. Take a peek inside bins to check the snow situation. Take care (and possibly avoid) climbing bins when ladders are slippery. Factors that increase storage risk
Will new products improve nutrient use efficiency?
The best way to identify nutrient needs is with a soil test, and the best way to evaluate new products is with on-farm trials. Some fields may be short of micronutrients. Some biologicals may provide a benefit in some scenarios. Agronomists have valuable insight on nutrient needs and the 4Rs: the right source at the right rate, right time and right place.
Are your electronics updated?
Fieldview will introduce Drive 2.0 this winter. John Deere, CNH and other companies will have software and gear updates to improve their guidance and mapping systems. Winter is a good time to recalibrate, run these updates and go through the year’s worth of data collected. Use winter and spring farm shows to ask about upgrades to your existing tech, and kick the tires on other field and equipment mapping and management tools.