If you are thinking about what to plant for next year, a great place to look for unbiased variety data that reflect actual production practices is the Canola Performance Trials website at www.canolaperformancetrials.ca. Next year won’t be the exact same as this year, so use the site to check previous years of data for variety performance under a range of conditions!
The searchable database already has five previous years of data on yield, height, lodging and days to maturity. You can filter your results, viewing them by province, season zone (short, mid or long), herbicide tolerance (HT) system or trial type (small plot or field scale). Searches can also be customized, whether you are searching all the varieties or comparing a couple specific varieties (a broad comparison or a head-to-head comparison). As soon as the the 2016 dataset is available, it will be posted on the CPT website.
In the meantime, try out some of the updated search features on the website, which can produce charts and tables as well as maps. For example, if you only want to see a table of all the field scale variety data (from 2011-2015) from Carseland, AB, selecting those filters will yield this view (with a dynamic scroll):