What put the lid on canola yields in 2020?
…foot and stem rots, Manitoba saw a rebound in blackleg incidence, and verticillium stripe was found in more areas and may have caused yield loss. Justine Cornelsen, CCC agronomy specialist,…
Read more…foot and stem rots, Manitoba saw a rebound in blackleg incidence, and verticillium stripe was found in more areas and may have caused yield loss. Justine Cornelsen, CCC agronomy specialist,…
Read more…moist soil temperatures may have contributed to an increase in foot and stem rots, Manitoba saw a rebound in blackleg incidence, and verticillium stripe was found in more areas and…
Read more…prevent outbreaks of this pest. Other factors Disease and insects Sclerotinia stem rot, verticillium stripe and flying insects – flea beetle, bertha armyworm moth, diamond back moth, cabbage seedpod weevil…
Read more…FREE DISEASE TESTING: SaskCanola has launched its free disease testing program, which includes testing for clubroot and blackleg as per previous years but now also includes verticillium stripe. More information…
Read more…is available here. Verticillium stripe is not included in SaskCanola’s free disease testing, but growers are still encouraged to send in samples for testing. Free disease testing is also available…
Read more…blackleg race identification and verticillium stripe. For more information, visit https://canolagrowers.com/in-the-lab/psi-lab/. SaskCanola disease testing. SaskCanola offers free clubroot and blackleg disease testing programs available this fall for registered canola growers in Saskatchewan. Visit https://www.saskcanola.com/production/blackleg.php and https://www.saskcanola.com/production/clubroot.php for…
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