Research progress through major funding partnerships
For decades, the canola value chain has worked together to advance research that helps improve canola yields, production efficiency and value.
Through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (2018-2023), Growing Forward 2 (2013-2018), and Growing Forward 1 (2008-2013) the canola industry partnered with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in three major program areas – the Canadian AgriScience Clusters, Developing Innovative Agri-Products and Agri-Science Programs.
Since 1985, the Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP) has supported canola agronomic research focused on increasing yield and profitability, reducing production risk and enhancing sustainability with effective technology transfer. CARP is funded by the three provincial canola grower organizations – Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and the Manitoba Canola Growers – and is administered by the Canola Council of Canada.
Click on the headings below to see research projects funded by these programs. For full details and results of these and other studies, visit the Canola Research Hub (agronomy research), Canolamazing Research Library (meal research) and Canola Oil Research Directory.
Canadian Agricultural Partnership (2018-2023): Canola AgriScience Research Cluster
Theme 1: Differentiated quality and enhanced environmental performance in food processing
Nutrigenetics, canola oil, and glucose tolerance: Does SCD1 genotype modulate a person’s response to canola oil?
Principal Investigator: David Mutch (University of Guelph)
Purpose: The long-term outcomes of nutrigenetics research are expected to lay the foundation for personalized dietary recommendations to help prevent the development of chronic diseases. Canola oil has been linked to various health benefits including improved blood lipids, reduced platelet aggregation, and increased glucose tolerance. However, not everyone experiences these benefits to the same extent. This project will investigate if the health benefits associated with canola oil are influenced by a person’s genotype, by examining if difference in the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) gene influences blood glucose regulation following the consumption of canola oil. It is anticipated that the results of this research will help to reconcile some of the discrepancy in the scientific literature regarding the effects of canola oil on blood glucose regulation, as well as providing strong support for future whole-genome studies into how genetic variation influences the various health benefits associated with canola oil.
Novel extraction of oil and antioxidants from canola seed, and functional evaluation of oil, meal, protein & antioxidants from novel extraction in comparison to current commercial oil & meal
Research team: Martin Scanlon (University of Manitoba), John Shi (AAFC Guelph), John Lu (AAFC Lethbridge), Yachaun Zhang (AAFC Lethbridge), Jim House (University of Manitoba), Usha Thiyam (University of Manitoba), Rick Green (KeyLeaf)
Purpose: Concern about the environmental footprint of the use of organic solvents means that alternative technologies are being considered for oilseed extraction. The objective of this project is to develop innovative “green” extraction processes and technologies to produce high quality canola oil and meal protein with rich active health-promoting components while eliminating the need for solvents and high temperatures from the process. The project will examine the performance of two non-organic solvent technologies – supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and microemulsion extraction. Technical evaluation of the extraction processes and the finished products will provide guidance for further investigation and cost/benefit analyses, positioning the canola industry for continued sustainable growth.
Theme 2: Differentiated quality and sustainable livestock production using canola meal
Gut health and digestive physiology of nursery pigs fed canola meal-based diets
Research team: Tofuko Woyengo (South Dakota State University), Joy Scaria (South Dakota State University)
Purpose: There is an identified need for alternative feeding strategies to improve the gut health of pigs. This activity will determine the effects of including canola meal in diets for nursery pigs on gut health and digestive physiology and will evaluate dietary canola meal on the growth performance and gut health of Escherichia coli-challenged nursery pigs. Results from this activity could demonstrate that inclusion of canola meal into feed formulations will reduce gut infections in pigs, and the economic losses associated with gut infections, leading to increased production efficiency and improved sustainability metrics. This research could increase the competitiveness of the Canadian canola industry by increasing demand for canola meal in formulating swine diets.
Canola meal to improve efficiency and sustainability of dairy production: filling knowledge gaps
Research team: Chaouki Benchaar (AAFC Sherbrooke), Karen Beauchemin (AAFC Lethbridge), Fadi Hassanat (AAFC Sherbrooke)
Purpose: This project aims to fill knowledge gaps about the effects of feeding canola meal to dairy cows on greenhouse gas emissions, and on the carbon footprint (i.e., amount of CO2 equivalent emitted/kg of milk) of milk produced from cows fed canola meal (versus soybean meal) under Canadian confinement dairy production systems. The study will determine the optimal inclusion level of solvent-extracted canola meal in dairy cow diets (versus soybean meal) to mitigate enteric methane emissions, reduce nitrogen excretion and enhance milk performance, and will establish the carbon footprint (cradle to farm-gate life cycle analysis) of milk produced using canola meal (versus soybean meal) under dairy confinement farming systems. The research will demonstrate whether sustainability (environmental and economic) of dairy production can be improved by using canola meal as the main protein source in dairy cow diets.
Understanding the impacts of canola meal on gut microbiota and potential pre-biotic effect of enzymatically-released bioactive fiber components and the long term effects of high levels of canola meal inclusion on sow and litter performance
Research team: Bogdan Slominski (University of Manitoba), Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba), Anna Rogiewicz (University of Manitoba), Ehsan Khafipour (University of Manitoba)
Purpose: This activity builds on the positive developments from Growing Forward 2 research and will look to further optimize the use of high inclusion levels of CM in poultry and swine diets. More precise formulation of diets would result in reduced feed cost and environmental pollution, while achieving optimal animal performance. This research would also demonstrate that the benefits to be gained from enzyme supplementation are not only from improved nutrient digestion and feed efficiency but also from improved gut health. Specifically, improved gut health as a result of prebiotics formed from the hydrolysis of canola meal fibre components, including non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), would benefit the poultry and swine industries by controlling enteric infections, and therefore obviating the need for in-feed antibiotics. Developing and adopting antibiotic-free feeding programs is a major goal of the poultry and livestock industries.
Accurate determination of the contribution of canola meal to metabolizable protein supply in dairy cows
Research team: Daniel Ouellet (AAFC Sherbrooke), Hélène Lapierre (AAFC Sherbrooke), Édith Charbonneau (Université Laval)
Purpose: For dairy producers and nutritionists, it is essential to understand the feed value of ingredients such as canola meal (CM) to adequately formulate dairy rations in order to optimize performances, and minimize feed cost and the environmental footprint of dairy farming. The optimal utilization of CM in dairy diets is limited by the lack of information on why CM improves milk production in dairy cows and the factors that influence that response. The proposed research intends to decipher where this positive impact of CM is coming from and why the predicted metabolizable protein (MP) supply is under-estimated with CM-based diets. Identifying the “correct” N kinetics of CM into the rumen and an understanding of the mechanisms behind the milk advantage can be used in diet formulation programs to improve diet performance and profitability. Knowing the real contribution of CM to the MP supply will give more confidence to nutritionists and producers to include CM in their rations.
Evaluation of canola meal as compared to soybean meal in practical California rations: effects upon long term lactational performance, reproductive performance and metabolic disease
Research team: Peter Robinson (University of California, Davis), William Van Die (Cloverdale Dairy), Nadia Swanepoel (University of California, Davis)
Purpose: Research to date on feeding CM has been instrumental in demonstrating the advantages of CM on milk production and components, but has only examined these parameters over short periods of time (i.e., 3 to 4 weeks). While milk production is important, reproduction and culling are equally important to the dairy industry. There is no data on effects of CM vs other protein meals as they relate to reproduction and culling. This study will determine if improvements in milk production can be sustained when CM is fed from calving through the critical periods when the cows withstand negative energy balance, and are bred. Large numbers of cows are needed to assess effects of dietary nutrients on reproduction and culling due to the large number of co-variables (e.g., lactation number, milk production, season, body condition score), and Cloverdale provides an ideal setting to capture such data. This study will provide information regarding use of CM and SBM in this unique market with respect to milk production, health and reproduction of dairy cows. Positive results from this research will provide further explanation of canola meal’s advantages in dairy diets.
Theme 3: Increased production – yield and quality optimization for sustainable supply
Manipulating agronomic factors for optimum canola harvest timing, productivity and crop sequencing
Research team: Brian Beres (AAFC Lethbridge), Charles Geddes (AAFC Lethbridge), Breanne Tidemann (AAFC Lacombe), William May (AAFC Indian Head), Ramona Mohr (AAFC Brandon)
Purpose: Objectives for this project are to: (1) understand how manipulations to seeding density, hybrid maturity rating and swath/straight-cut timing alter crop yield and quality; (2) refine best practices in relation to the determination of optimal swath/straight-cut timing as plant density changes and as subsequent changes to canopy architecture, whole plant moisture, seed colour and moisture changes occur; (3) determine how the integration of seeding density, cultivar selection and harvest management system influence canola canopy architecture (pods and branches per plant and per unit area, for example); and (4) provide an economic analysis for low versus high seeding density systems, and straight-cut versus swathing scenarios.
Enhancing yield and biomass in canola by modifying carbohydrate metabolism
Research team: Michael Emes (University of Guelph), Ian Tetlow (University of Guelph)
Purpose: In a previous study, when the Arabidopsis endogenous leaf starch branching enzymes (SBEs) were replaced with maize endosperm homologues ZmSBEI or ZmSBEIIb, the Arabidopsis plants demonstrated significant increases in starch biosynthesis and a dramatic increase in seed production. The result was a 250% increase in total seed oil produced per plant. This project will conduct lab research to see if the corn genes could provide a yield benefit for Brassica napus plants.
Weeding out secondary dormancy potential from volunteer canola
Research team: Sally Vail (AAFC Saskatoon), Rob Gulden (University of Manitoba), Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon), Steve Robinson (AAFC Saskatoon), Steve Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan)
Purpose: Volunteer canola is becoming an ever-increasing problem. Secondary dormancy, which allows for shed canola seed to remain viable for years in the soil, is a heritable trait that can be selected against in breeding programs. This study will look for the genomic regions harbouring the genes controlling secondary dormancy in Brassica napus, to identify molecular markers to facilitate selection. Once these markers are identified, the project will scan B. napus lines for lower secondary dormancy, perhaps identifying parent lines that are less likely to become volunteer canola plants in the future.
Advancing the functional, nutritional and economic value of canola protein in Canada
Research team: Rob Duncan (University of Manitoba), Jim House (University of Manitoba), Janitha Wanusundara (AAFC Saskatoon), Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon), Rotimi Aluko (University of Manitoba), Lee Anne Murphy (MAHRN)
Purpose: Brassica napus varieties with enhanced protein and nutritional qualities could revolutionize meal utilization and functionality in Canada. Objectives of this study are to: (1) screen several Brassica populations for diversity of protein quality and digestibility, and (2) map the genes responsible for protein quality and digestibility. It will also (3) compare conventional, cold pressing and modified processing methods for their impact on protein quality and digestibility.
Theme 4: Sustainability and climate change – improving nutrient and water use efficiency
Improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and soil sustainability in canola production across Canada
Research team: Bao-Luo Ma (AAFC Ottawa), Mervin St. Luce (AAFC Swift Current), Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current), Paul Tiege (Olds College), Rob Gulden (University of Manitoba), Luke Bainard (AAFC Swift Current), Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon), Ramona Mohr (AAFC Brandon), Cindy Gampe (AAFC Scott), Greg Semach (AAFC Beaverlodge)
Purpose: This project will address four objectives: (1) assess agronomic and economic responses of canola crop to nitrogen (N) fertilizer management in terms of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), seed yield and crop standability; (2) improve NUE, crop productivity and lodging resistance of canola plants through best N management practices under different soil and cropping system conditions; (3) identify root architecture traits for efficient N acquisition, high NUE and strong anchorage strength; and (4) investigate the taxonomic and functional response of the soil microbiome to N management in terms of soil sustainability and N cycling.
Making of a more sustainable canola: Using genetic diversity to improve NUE
Research team: Sally Vail (AAFC Saskatoon), Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon), Rosalind Bueckert (University of Saskatchewan), Raju Soolanayakanahally (AAFC Saskatoon), Melissa Arcand (University of Saskatchewan), Steve Robinson (AAFC Saskatoon), Andrew Sharpe (GIFS), Leon Kochian (GIFS), Robert Guy (UBC), Reynald Lemke (AAFC Saskatoon), Bobbi Helgason (University of Saskatchewan)
Purpose: Nitrogen is usually the biggest input cost for canola production, yet very little is known about N uptake and utilization in Brassica napus plants, especially for the spring type. This research project will advance the Canadian body of understanding using two main experiments – one under controlled conditions and one with a multi-environment field trials – to characterize whole-plant architectural characteristics and N-partitioning patterns of a diverse collection of B. napus. Data generated through these experiments will be used to test potential screening methodology and new rhizosphere N-cycling related traits. Discovery of natural variation within B. napus will be linked back to the agronomic management discoveries in Bao-Luo Ma’s project noted above.
Theme 5: Sustainability and climate change – integrated pest management
Feasibility of using Trichomalus perfectus for biological control of cabbage seedpod weevil in the Prairies
Research team: Héctor Cárcamo (AAFC Lethbridge), Éric Lucas (UQAM), Luc Belzile (Institut de recherche et développement en agroenvironnement), Dan Johnson (University of Lethbridge), Scott Meers (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry), Meghan Vankosky (AAFC Saskatoon), Boyd Mori (AAFC Saskatoon), Kevin Floate (AAFC Lethbridge), Tara Gariepy (AAFC London), Patrice Bouchard (AAFC Ottawa), Peter Mason (AAFC Ottawa), Meghan Vankosky (AAFC Saskatoon), Tyler Wist (AAFC Saskatoon)
Purpose: This study will test the benefits and risks of introducing the parasitoid wasp Trichomalus perfectus to the Prairies. This wasp provides effective parasitism of cabbage seedpod weevil in Europe and it has appeared as an adventive species in Quebec, where it can reach high levels of pest control. Objective one of this study will assess the efficacy of T. perfectus for managing seedpod weevil. This will be done in Quebec. This study will also identify potential non-target weevils and parasitoids from insect samples collected on the Prairies and from field sites in Quebec and Ontario. Finally, the study will refine a CLIMEX model to predict whether the Prairie climate will support this new wasp.
Integrated approaches for flea beetle control II: incorporating the impacts of plant density, ground predators, and landscape-scale predictive models in the management of flea beetles in the Canadian prairies
Research team: Alejandro Costamagna (University of Manitoba), Héctor Cárcamo (AAFC Lethbridge), Jennifer Otani (AAFC Beaverlodge) Tharshinidevy Nagalingam (University of Manitoba), John Gavlovski (Manitoba Agriculture), Rob Duncan (University of Manitoba)
Purpose: Flea beetles are one of the major pests of canola in Western Canada. Canola growers need strategies to improve the efficiency of seed treatments, and flea beetle management in general. This study will address research gaps that could improve flea beetle management. These include the effect of plant density in flea beetle management, the effect of stem feeding damage on the flea beetle control, the role of natural enemies on flea beetle management, and regional predictive models for flea beetle abundance.
Genetic resources for flea beetle resistance in canola
Research team: Dwayne Hegedus (AAFC Saskatoon), Sally Vail (AAFC Saskatoon), Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon), Chrystel Olivier (AAFC Saskatoon)
Purpose: Given the regulatory scrutiny of neonicotinoid seed treatments, researchers are looking at alternatives, including natural plant defences. Currently, Brassica napus canola varieties have no natural resistance to flea beetles. This project builds on work begun by researchers at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the University of Saskatchewan that identified lines of B. napus producing hairs (‘trichomes’) on their leaves and stems. These hairs deter flea beetles by disrupting their normal feeding behaviour. This project will conduct greenhouse and field trials with naturally-hairy B. napus lines, identify genes/loci responsible for hair production in Brassica species, and provide trichome-bearing lines and/or associated markers to the canola breeding community.
Improving the management of sclerotinia stem rot of canola using fungicides and better risk assessment tools
Research team: Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe), Steve Strelkov (University of Alberta), Mike Harding (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry), Henry Klein-Gebbinck (AAFC Beaverlodge), Breanne Tidemann (AAFC Lacombe), Greg Semach (AAFC Beaverlodge), Charles Geddes (AAFC Lethbridge), Henry de Gooijer (AAFC Indian Head), Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon), William May (AAFC Indian Head), Dale Tomasiewicz (AAFC Outlook), Ramona Mohr (AAFC Brandon), Debbie McLaren (AAFC Brandon), Denis Pageau (AAFC Normandin), Barb Ziesman (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture), Syama Chatterton (AAFC Lethbridge)
Purpose: Sclerotinia stem rot continues to be the most damaging and difficult-to-manage disease of canola in Canada. Recent research shows that spore DNA assessment of petals (using qPCR) holds promise in stem rot risk assessment. Objectives of this project are to: (1) refine the use of qPCR analysis and investigate the potential for using spore traps instead of canola petals; (2) understand the role and impact of relative humidity, rainfall, and temperature on inoculum production and disease development; (3) evaluate the efficacy of very early fungicide applications alone or in conjunction with later applications for management of stem rot; (4) develop a better understanding of factors (e.g. seeding rate) that cause variability in flowering and how this influences fungicide response at various crop growth stages; and (5) and (6) develop a better understanding of how inoculum availability and environmental conditions prior to and during the flowering period influence stem rot risk and the efficacy of different fungicide application timings.
Development of a biosensor for sclerotinia stem rot disease forecasting in canola
Research team: Susie Li (Innotech Alberta), Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe), Jian Yang (Innotech Alberta), Jie Chen (University of Alberta)
Purpose: The goal of this project is to develop an in-field real-time sensor to monitor plant disease pathogens, specifically the sclerotinia stem rot pathogens. The sensor would notify the farmer, via cell phone, when a disease outbreak is imminent. Li and the research team have already developed a biosensor that could work, but more research is needed. Objectives of this study are to: (1) transition the spore detection technology/device from a large instrument to a portable chip that can be easily applied in the field; (2) establish the correlation between disease severity (per cent petal infection) and inoculum level (number of spores in the air) under controlled and field environments; and (3) verify the technology in the field.
Protection of canola from pathogenic fungi using RNA interference technologies
Research team: Steve Whyard (University of Manitoba), Mark Belmonte (University of Manitoba), Mazdak Khajehpour (University of Manitoba), Dwayne Hegedus (AAFC Saskatoon)
Purpose: Whyard and colleagues have found a way to use RNA interference (RNAi), which can reduce gene expression through the application of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), to reduce sclerotinia stem rot infections. Due to RNAi’s high degree of specificity, dsRNA foliar fungicides can target just the pathogenic fungus or related pathogenic fungi, and not affect beneficial species. This would reduce our reliance on broad-spectrum fungicides. The researchers have already identified and nominated sclerotinia-bioactive dsRNA molecules. Next objectives are to synthesize dsRNAs and screen for fungicidal activity and non-target effects, develop and test topical formulations for dsRNA adhesion to leaves and durability under different environmental conditions, and assess the persistence of dsRNAs in the soil.
Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum effectors in canola
Research team: Dwayne Hegedus (AAFC Saskatoon), Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon), Yangdou Wei (University of Saskatchewan)
Purpose: This project will attempt to simplify the identification of Brassica napus canola lines with tolerance to sclerotinia stem rot. Researchers will characterize substances produced by the fungus that cause the characteristic brown, necrotic (dead) lesions on the plant or which compromise the ability of the plant to defend itself against attack by the fungus. These substances will be used to identify B. napus lines from collections at plant genetic resource centres to find those that are most tolerant or resistant to individual substances. Combining the resistance traits through traditional breeding will accelerate the development of canola varieties with better tolerance or resistance to stem rot.
CANADIAN CANOLA CLUBROOT CLUSTER PILLAR 1: Integrated disease management
Research team: Sheau-Fang Hwang (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry), Steve Strelkov (University of Alberta), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry), Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon), Mary-Ruth McDonald (University of Guelph)
Purpose: The goal of this project is to develop management practices to reduce clubroot spore populations and prevent their buildup in at-risk areas. These practices are necessary to protect genetic resistance in canola varieties. Project objectives are to: (1) characterize soil properties and pathotypes in clusters where resistance has been defeated; (2) test field pre-treatment and amendment techniques, including liming under varying spore concentrations and liming field entrances prior to clubroot introduction; (3) quantify yield loss in relation to disease severity; (4) assess the effect of cultivar rotation on clubroot pathotype structure; and (5) screen clubroot-resistance canola varieties against novel clubroot pathotypes.
CANADIAN CANOLA CLUBROOT CLUSTER PILLAR 2: Developing novel resistance resources and strategies to address the new threat of clubroot canola production on the prairies
Research team: Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon), Habibur Rahman (University of Alberta), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry)
Purpose: The rapidly changing clubroot pathogen population presents a challenge to effective use of clubroot resistance (CR) because the single-gene resistance can be overcome quickly. Current canola cultivars have a low diversity in CR, and many newly-identified clubroot pathotypes appear to be virulent on these “resistant” cultivars. New CR genes or gene combinations, especially those with broad-based resistance, may help enhance the efficacy and durability of resistance. For this project, CR genes from existing germplasm as well as new brassica sources will be studied for novel CR resistance mechanisms and potential pyramiding/rotation options against a wide range of pathotypes, especially the predominant pathotypes.
CANADIAN CANOLA CLUBROOT CLUSTER PILLAR 3: Host-pathogen biology and interaction
Research team: Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon), Mary-Ruth McDonald (University of Guelph), Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu (AAFC Saskatoon), Sheau-Fang Hwang (Alberta Agriculture & Forestry), Steve Strelkov (University of Alberta)
Purpose: The explosion of new, virulent pathotypes of Plasmodiophora brassicae (the clubroot pathogen) on canola crops in Alberta indicates that producers need management options for situations where no single source of genetic resistance is available to effectively manage all of the pathotypes of clubroot in their field. The goal of this research is to develop and validate best management practices for managing clubroot in canola fields where strong genetic resistance is not available and for slowing the spread of these pathotypes into new areas. The study examines factors that affect resting spore survival, germination and infection. Sources of quantitative (non-pathotype specific or horizontal) resistance, which has not previously been studied in detail, are also being identified and assessed to determine if quantitative resistance might be used to increase the durability of genes that confer strong genetic resistance to clubroot. This study will also evaluate strategies for deployment of clubroot resistance genes, with the aim of identifying approaches that will maximize the durability of resistance.
Theme 6: Putting innovation into action – knowledge and technology transfer
Effective KTT is critical for success, effective dissemination, and practical application of the above research. Theme 6 activities will increase the value of all Science Cluster research by assisting scientists and sharing their findings with growers and other industry stakeholders. The Canola Council’s agronomy specialists will translate research results into tangible practices that can be applied on farms. The information will also be widely available through the Canola Research Hub, a state-of-the-art online information resource maintained by the Council.
Theme 7: Maintaining canola supply and trade – blackleg and verticillium
Developing a robust system for efficient assessment of quantitative resistance (QR) in commercial canola varieties for blackleg management
Research team: Gary Peng (AAFC, Saskatoon), Debra McLaren (AAFC, Brandon)
Purpose: Blackleg is a serious threat to canola production in Western Canada and is a trade issue with seed exports to China. This disease has been managed primarily through variety resistance, including major-gene and quantitative resistance (QR), as well as extended crop rotations. QR or race-nonspecific resistance is important to sustainable blackleg management in Canada. QR plays an important role in blackleg resistance on the prairies where the industry is moving to blackleg resistance labelling for more effective utilization of genetic resources; this approach is readily applicable for major-gene resistance but not yet possible for QR because the current labeling system (R/MR/MS/S) is unable to identify QR specifically or quantitatively; this rating includes both QR and major-gene resistance. There is also the need for a reliable protocol to improve field QR assessment. The objective of this research is to develop and validate a system for efficient quantification of QR against blackleg under both controlled environment and field conditions.
Developing tools for the rapid screening of canola germplasm for quantitative resistance to disease
Research team: Hossein Borhan (AAFC, Saskatoon), Ralph Lange (InnoTech Alberta)
Purpose: Fungicides have little effect in controlling blackleg and the best practice is using canola cultivars with genetic resistance. Quantitative resistance (QR), also called adult plant resistance (APR), is the most favourable form of genetic resistance since it is controlled by several genes, therefore more durable. Despite its importance, it is very challenging to identify and introduce APR into canola cultivars using conventional field based assay. The goal of this research is to optimize a protocol for identifying APR to blackleg disease under controlled condition (growth chamber) and validate the result under field conditions. A rapid screening method with genome-wide association mapping approach will provide the canola industry with a valuable tool for developing new varieties.
Understanding the critical infection window that causes blackleg of canola in Western Canada
Principal Investigator: Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Purpose: This study will help determine the relative importance of cotyledon vs. lower true-leaf infection to stem infection (the critical infection window) and blackleg on canola varieties with different levels of resistance. This information is important to developing inoculation protocols for improved QR assessment/labelling in field trials. Additionally, the results of the critical infection window will determine the optimal timing of fungicide applications, either as seed treatment or as a foliar spray at later stages. This research will improve our understanding of the infection pathway for blackleg and provide valuable information for reducing blackleg in the field.
Fine-tuning of the blackleg yield loss model in canola
Research team: Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta), Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta), Henry Klein-Gebbinck (AAFC, Beaverlodge), Gary Peng (AAFC, Saskatoon)
Purpose: Blackleg, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, is an important disease of canola. In order to better assess the economic impact of blackleg and to help make appropriate disease management decisions, it is important to be able to relate blackleg severity with corresponding yield losses. A preliminary yield loss model was generated that related blackleg severity to yield loss under field conditions in Alberta. While serving as a solid foundation to understand blackleg associated yield losses in Western Canada, the earlier model was based largely on data obtained with the susceptible canola ‘Westar’. Since this is an old, open pollinated, herbicide non-tolerant cultivar, the results may have been confounded by the presence of weeds, canola volunteers and/or other diseases. The current project aims to build on the earlier work by modeling yield losses from blackleg in modern canola hybrids, making the model more accurate and more relevant to producers and agronomists. An improved model may also provide important information to the canola industry allowing accurate estimates of yield losses on a local or even regional scale.
Improving management of blackleg on canola via better flea beetle control and effective fungicide seed treatment in Western Canada
Research team: Gary Peng (AAFC, Saskatoon), Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba), Debra McLaren (AAFC, Brandon)
Purpose: From both a sustainable canola production and marketing perspective, it is important to manage blackleg in canola. While variety resistance is the cornerstone for blackleg management, an integrated approach, including crop rotation and chemical control, is important for continued reduction of blackleg in the field. This project will generate new information that can help improve or even revolutionize blackleg control in Western Canada by understanding the relevance of flea beetle feeding to blackleg and validating the efficacy of a novel cost-effective fungicide seed treatment to block the early infection via the feeding wounds. This research will have positive impact on our industry by addressing the risk of blackleg on both production and marketing fronts; lowered blackleg incidence/severity may have reduced inoculum load on seed and dockage.
Improving blackleg resistance durability through R-gene rotation in commercial fields on the Canadian prairies – a science-based stewardship program
Research team: Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba, Gary Peng (AAFC, Saskatoon), Ralph Lange (InnoTech Alberta)
Purpose: The main reason for the increase in blackleg is the breakdown of resistance (R-genes) by new races of the blackleg pathogen on canola varieties grown across the prairies. One of the methods that may mitigate the risk of rapid resistance erosion is to introduce an R-gene rotation regime where the pathogen population will not be able to adapt to any single R gene easily. This has been a successful strategy used in Australia and France. The WCC/RRC has passed a resolution in February 2017 to introduce this strategy in Canada, and the Canola Council of Canada also supports this approach. The effectiveness of this approach needs to be studied in Canada. The information will help fine tune the sequence of R genes to be deployed in rotation for maximum resistance durability. This study will provide growers with the information needed to utilize the major blackleg resistance genes currently available in canola cultivars. The information will aid in developing best management practices for extending the durability of major genes and contribute to decreasing the incidence of blackleg in Canadian canola production and the potential threat to key export markets.
Genetic dissection of the Rlm3-4-7-9 blackleg R gene cluster and KASP marker improvement
Research team: Hossein Borhan (AAFC, Saskatoon), Nicholas Larkan (Armatus Genetics Inc.), Isobel Parkin (AAFC, Saskatoon), Ralph Lange (InnoTech Alberta)
Purpose: The Rlm3-4-7-9 cluster is very important for the genetic improvement of canola against blackleg. The proposed research will resolve the nature of these genes by conducting fine mapping and cloning. Revealing the structure of the Rlm3-4-7-9 cluster will help with understanding the complex interaction and may allow new R genes to be developed with multiple Avr recognition properties. This pre-commercial work will provide an in-depth understanding of these R-genes, potentially leading to improved major gene resistance and a corresponding decrease in blackleg incidence. In addition, this project will improve the efficiency of molecular makers so that growers can detect the blackleg races in their fields and make informed varietal selections. This will contribute to decreasing the incidence of blackleg in Canadian canola production to address potential threats to our key export markets.
Verticillium disease etiology and nursery
Research team: Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba), Mario Tenuta (University of Manitoba), Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta, Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta), Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco (Penn State University)
Purpose: Verticillium stripe, caused by the fungus Verticillium longisporum, was first found in canola in Canada in 2014. Very little is known about this disease in Canada but studies in Europe have shown it to cause significant yield loss in both spring and winter types of Brassica napus. This research is an integrated and collaborative approach to addressing the major research priorities needed to understand and manage the disease in Western Canada. A series of projects will address major questions that need to be answered about this disease, namely: How to improve the identification of this disease? Can the pathogen be rapidly quantified in the soil? How does the pathogen behave in Western Canada? What is the genetic diversity of the pathogen? What is the relationship and interaction between V. longisporum and L. maculans? Fundamental to the success of this activity is the establishment of a test field or nursery. The nursery will provide support for activities including soil and plant materials for method development, longevity of the pathogen, screening of canola lines, disease development and yield effects and outreach to growers and industry. Understanding the biology of the pathogen and how it behaves in Western Canada will provide valuable information for producers, agronomists, and researchers that overall will help reduce potential disease impact.
Genetics and genomics of Brassica-Verticillium interaction
Research team: Hossein Borhan (AAFC, Saskatoon), Isobel Parkin (AAFC, Saskatoon), Nicholas Larkan (Armatus Genetics, Inc.), Ralph Lange (InnoTech Alberta), Christina Eynck (AAVC, Saskatoon), Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta), Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry)
Purpose: Verticillium stripe is an emerging soil-borne disease of canola in Canada requiring a multi-faceted research initiative to mitigate the potential risks posed by this pathogen. Examples of risk to canola production are yield loss, restriction of canola exports and reduction of farmland value when the pathogen becomes established in the soil. Resistant cultivars have proven to be the most cost-effective and environmentally sound approach for managing biotic stress. The two main requirements for genetically-based disease management is knowledge of pathogen virulence and plant resistance genes. The proposed research aims at developing tools for genotyping and monitoring changes in the pathogen, Verticillium longisporum, understanding the genomics of pathogen virulence and the genetics/genomics of canola defense. This research will provide an understanding of Verticillium stripe resistance with output of genetic markers for resistance as well as insight into the infection process. This information is a vital first step in providing tools for managing the disease in the future.
Growing Forward 2 (2013-2018): Canola Agri-Science Cluster – Partnership for an innovative and competitive industry
Theme 1: Oil nutrition
1.1 Canola oil multi-centre intervention trial (COMIT II)
Objective: To examine the health benefits of dietary canola oils on body composition, specifically on android fat, and weight management. COMIT II will also include analysis of fatty acid ethanolamides (FAEs) to elucidate the mechanisms by which canola oil may be modifying body composition. Measurement of endothelial function, inflammatory, adiposity, and insulin sensitivity biomarkers will be done to determine the positive health impact of the changes in body composition achieved through canola oil consumption.
Research Team: Dr. Peter Jones (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Dr. David Jenkins (University of Toronto); Dr. Benoît Lamarche( Laval University); Drs. Penny-Kris-Etherton and Sheila West (Penn State): Dr. Todd Rideout (University at Buffalo); Dr. Carla Taylor and Peter Zahradka (Canadian Centre for Agri-food Research in Health and Medicine)
1.2 Canola oil enriched Mediterranean type weight loss diet in type 2 diabetes
Objective: To assess whether a Mediterranean-type weight-loss diet, enriched with canola oil, high in plant protein and low in carbohydrates will produce blood sugar control, reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors and maximize weight loss, better than conventional higher carbohydrate diets in overweight diabetic patients.
Research Team: Drs. David Jenkins and Cyril Kendall (University of Toronto); Dr. Peter Jones (University of Manitoba); Dr. Benoît Lamarche (Laval University)
Theme 2: Meal nutrition
2.1 Maximizing use of canola meal in dairy diets
Objective: To better understand how the protein and fibre profile of canola meal is utilized by the cow in an effort to understand the mechanism by which dairy cows fed canola meal consistently produce more milk than cows fed other protein sources.
Research Team: Drs. Hélène Lapierre and Daniel Ouellet (AAFC Sherbrooke); Dr. Tim Mutsvangwa (University of Saskatchewan); Drs. Glen Broderick and Antonio Faciola (University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Nevada-Reno); Dr. Kenneth Kalscheur (South Dakota State University); Dr. Peter Robinson (Cloverdale Dairy)
2.2 High inclusion levels of regular and high energy canola meal in monogastric rations
Objective: To address the issues associated with high canola meal feed inclusion levels and to demonstrate that canola meal can effectively be used at very high inclusion levels in swine and poultry feeds.
Research Team: Drs. Ruurd Zjilstra and Eduardo Beltranena (University of Alberta); Drs. Bogdan Slominski and Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba)
2.3 Canola meal quality survey
Objective: To characterize nutritional differences in canola meal received from various Canadian crushing plants and determine the impact that these differences on diet formulation for all livestock species. Continued sampling and analysis over a 5 year period will create a strong profile of nutrient composition of products between and with processing facilities. Results of the analysis may determine potential for development or marketability of products with higher value for monogastric or ruminant species.
Research Team: Dr. Bogdan Slominski (University of Manitoba); Drs. Glen Broderick and Antonio Faciola (University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Nevada-Reno)
2.4 Canola meal processing
Objective: To develop and optimize methodology to produce protein- and fiber-enriched fractions from defatted canola meals by using fine milling, air-classification technology in a response-surface model experimental design. Work will be done to characterize the structure and functional properties of thermoplastic protein with the end goal of developing a bioplastic film from protein-enriched canola defatted meal fraction.
Research Team: Dr. Yachaun Zhang (Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals)
Theme 3: Canola health & integrated pest management
3.1 Characterization and development of new resistant sources for sustainable management of clubroot in canola
Objective: The study will investigate resistance mechanisms with selected clubroot resistance (CR) genes based on transcriptional, proteomic, phenotypical, and biochemical analyses, develop segregating populations for mapping of clubroot resistance genes, develop robust markers tightly linked to the CR genes or from the gene it-self for marker-assisted selection (MAS), pyramid different resistance genes for the development of elite canola B. napus lines, and assess clubroot resistance and other agronomic and seed quality traits under varying field conditions.
Research Team: Drs. Gary Peng – Principal Investigator, Sally Vail, Kevin Falk, and Fengqun Yu (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Genyi Li (University of Manitoba); Dr. Habibur Rahman (University of Alberta)
3.2 The host-pathogen interaction of Plasmodiophora brassicae and canola
Objective: This research aims to fully understand the pathogenic and molecular diversity of P. brassicae populations, mechanisms of pathogenicity, infection processes, and the role of primary and secondary pathogen zoospores in disease development. The proposed work will build on the major advances achieved under the Clubroot Risk Mitigation Initiative and related projects, and will provide the information needed to help focus resistance breeding efforts and enable the knowledge-based management of clubroot in canola.
Research Team: Drs. Sheau-Fang Hwang – Principal Investigator (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development); Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta); Drs. Bruce Gossen and Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald (University of Guelph); Dr. Peta Bonham-Smith (University of Saskatchewan)
3.3 Management of clubroot in a dynamic environment
Objective: This research aims to continue to provide the tools and information necessary to successfully manage clubroot in Western Canada, by answering a number of important questions: (1) can soil fumigants be used economically and effectively to eradicate localized clubroot infestations, thereby slowing disease spread and preventing clubroot establishment in new areas; (2) what impact will cropping rotations that include clubroot-resistant canola cultivars have on pathogen population dynamics in the soil and the subsequent impact on yield; and (3) what are the optimal practical strategies for disinfesting agricultural and industrial equipment that has been contaminated with clubroot-infected plant material and/or soil containing spores.
Research Team: Drs. Sheau-Fang Hwang – Principal Investigator, Ron Howard, Mike Harding (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development); Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta); Drs. Bruce Gossen and Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald (University of Guelph); Denis Pageau (AAFC Normandin)
3.4 Clubroot surveillance and epidemiology: staying ahead of an important canola issue
Objective: This research aims to provide the canola industry with up to date information on clubroot prevalence and spread in the prairie region. This information will help to evaluate the rates of pathogen dissemination and will help to guide management approaches. Critical information on pathotype composition and the performance of clubroot-resistant varieties will also be made available and will help in resistance breeding and stewardship efforts.
Research Team: Dr. Stephen Strelkov – Principal Investigator (University of Alberta); Drs. Sheau-Fang Hwang and Mike Harding (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development); Dr. Bruce Gossen, (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Debra McLaren (AAFC Brandon); (Dr. Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe)
3.5 Aster yellows and Swede midge – new threats to prairie canola production
Objectives: The objectives of this project are to determine the extent of infestation, evaluate the yield losses, develop economic thresholds and forecast warnings, and identify resistant canola lines for two canola pests increasing in severity on the prairies – aster yellows and Swede midge. The project will generate knowledge of factors influencing biology of the pests in canola, provide the canola industry with means of assessing the economic impact, appropriate management strategies, and tools for forecast potential yield losses, and help to develop or identify aster yellows-resistant cultivars in collaboration with breeders.
Research Team: Drs. Chrystel Olivier – Principal Investigator, Julie Soroka and Owen Olfert (AAFC Saskatoon); Scott Hartley (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture); Scott Meers (Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development); Dr. Rebecca H. Hallett (University of Guelph); Dr. John Gavloski (Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development); Jennifer Otani (AAFC Beaverlodge)
3.6 Development of pest management decision-making protocols for the Swede midge in canola
Objectives: This research will contribute to the development of effective integrated pest management practices for Swede midge in canola through the following specific objectives: (1) to evaluate insecticide efficacy and timing of insecticide applications for reducing Swede midge damage in spring canola; (2) to evaluate the use of pheromone-based action thresholds in determining the timing of insecticide applications against the Swede midge; (3) to develop decision-making protocols for the timing of insecticide applications against the Swede midge, based on crop stage and/or pheromone-based action thresholds.
Research Team: Dr. Rebecca H. Hallett – Principal Investigator (University of Guelph); Julie Soroka (AAFC Saskatoon)
3.7 Improved integrated crop management with beneficial insects
Objectives: This study will determine the extent of the biological control complex on diamondback moth on the prairies. Other goals include conducting phylogenetic analysis of diamondback moths collected from different prairie locations and from source areas to determine if overwintering is occurring in Canada; clarifying cues used by D. insulare and diamondback moth in host-seeking and host acceptance; and developing climate models to predict the responses of both insects to irregular patterns of global climatic change. A Dymex model will be developed to predict the responses of both insects to irregular patterns of global climatic change.
Research Team: Drs. Julie Soroka and Owen Olfert (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Lloyd Dosdall (University of Alberta)
Theme 4: Canola yield & quality optimization
4.1 Seed size and seeding rate effects on canola yield and quality
Objectives: This study will investigate the influence of seed size on seedling emergence proportion, and canola yield and quality. This study will further investigate influence of seed size on seeding rate as well as size x rate interactions on seedling emergence and canola yield and quality. The results of this research will provide canola growers with knowledge that will assist them in making seeding rate decisions related to maintaining yield under stressful abiotic (drought, frost, flooding, hail, etc.) and biotic (weeds, insects, disease) conditions common in Western Canada.
Research Team: Drs. K. Neil Harker – Principal Investigator and John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Kabal Gill (Smoky Applied Research & Demonstration Association); Dr. Chris Willenborg (University of Saskatchewan); Dr. Rob Gulden (University of Manitoba); Drs. Robert Blackshaw and Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Ramona Mohr (AAFC Brandon); Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Melfort)
Objectives: This study will investigate:
(i) Whether the variable rate N management based on management zones derived from a temporal series of yield maps increase canola yield in areas with consistently high production and low variability;
(ii) Economic return and efficiency of fertilizer use from variable rate management of N;
(iii) Relationship between the spatial and statistical variability of canola yield and soil test N and P at the field scale;
(iv) Variability related to current soil test recommendations; and
(v) Digital elevation, landform and remote sensing data correlated with canola yield.
Research Team: Drs. Alan Moulin, Principal Investigator and Mohammad Khakbazan (AAFC Brandon); Rejean Picard (Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives); Steve Sager (AAFC Morden); Don Cruickshank (Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association); Ken Coles (Farming Smarter); Dr. Stu Brandt (Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation)
4.4 Investigating tolerance of canola genotypes to heat and drought stresses, and root traits estimation by electrical capacitance
Objectives: This study aims (i) to develop an electrical capacitance method for estimating canola root traits and root phenotyping, (ii) to assess the relationships between capacitance-estimated root traits and canola yield and seed quality traits, (iii) to identify critical period of canola genotypes sensitive to heat stress and the critical temperatures causing flower abortion, and (iv) to identify usable traits for selection of canola genotypes with better tolerance to heat and drought stresses.
Research Team: Dr. Bao-Luo Ma – Principal Investigator (AAFC-ECORC); Dr. Rob Duncan (University of Manitoba)
4.7 Feasibility of bag storage system for canola storage system for canola storage under Prairie conditions (Extension GF1-3.5.2)
Objective: This study is a continuation from Growing Forward 1 and will develop guidelines and recommendations of canola storage inside silo bags under Western Canadian prairie conditions.
Research Team: Drs. Digvir Jayas – Principal Investigator and Fuji Jian (University of Manitoba); Dr. Noel White (AAFC Winnipeg)
4.8 On-farm canola storage in large bins
Objective: The primary objective of this project is to determine whether existing recommendations for safe canola storage developed 20-30 years ago are still the same when the average bin size in the prairies has increased to 25,000 bu. The project will consider the effect of peaked vs. level grain in the bins as an initial phase.
Research Team: Lorne Grieger (Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute)
Theme 5: Integrated crop management & sustainability of canola production
5.1 Canola sustainability – risk mitigation
Objective: This research will determine if some new strategies can maintain the lower yield plateau or even reverse the yield decline consistently observed in continuous canola. Practices that may mitigate or even reverse yield decline in continuous canola include: extra nitrogen as ESN, higher seeding rates, enhanced seed treatments, chaff removal to remove autoallelopathy threat, and specific combinations of those treatments.
Research Team: Drs. K. Neil Harker – Principal Investigator and John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe); Drs. Robert Blackshaw, Elwin Smith and Newton Lupwayi (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Ramona Mohr (AAFC Brandon); Dr. Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe)
5.2 Canola rotation studies – canola, cereal (corn), soy (oilseed)
Objectives: The objectives of this study are to define the effect of canola on other crops (wheat/corn/soybean) in the rotation and the effects of those crops on canola performance across Eastern Canada, to calculate the economic benefit of growing canola as well as nutrient utilization efficiency and carbon footprints in different cropping systems through the collection of soil, crop growth, yield and tissue N concentration data, to investigate major diseases and insects of canola production in different cropping systems, and to identify and establish a sustainable cropping system for canola production in Eastern Canada.
Research Team: Dr. Claude Caldwell – Principal Investigator and Doug McDonald (Dalhousie University); Dr. Donald Smith (McGill University); Drs. Bao-Luo Ma and Peter Masson (AAFC-ECORC)
5.4 The environmental footprint of canola and canola-based products (extension of GF1-3.7.3)
Objectives: This project has two components: 1. Life cycle assessment of “on farm” canola production as affected by management change. 2. Determination of an “on farm” carbon footprint for canola in a high yield and input region (Lacombe, AB).
Research Team: Drs. Vern Baron – Principal Investigator, Neil Harker and John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe); Brian McConkey (AAFC Swift Current); AAFC Indian Head (Drs. Reynald Lemke and Guy Lafond)
5.5 Economic profitability and sustainability of canola project (extension of GF1-3.7.2)
Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the degree to which environmental stewardship activities (e.g., adoption of BMPs) affects efficiency of canola production in Western Canada.
Research Team: Dr. Scott Jeffrey – Principal Investigator (University of Alberta); Dr. Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge)
Theme 6: Canola supply surveillance & forecasting
6.1 Operational models to forecast canola growth stage, sclerotinia risk, and yield in Western Canada
Objectives: This study (1) will develop and validate a canola phenology model to identify and forecast key development stages of the crop, (2) a weather-based sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) risk model to aid producers with fungicide treatment decisions and (3) a yield model to forecast canola production at local and regional scales.
Research Team: Dr. Rishi Burlakoti – Principal Investigator and Andy Nadler (Weather INnovations); Dr. Paul Bullock (University of Manitoba); Dr. Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Aston Chipanshi (AAFC Regina); Dr. Nathaniel Newlands (AAFC Lethbridge)
Theme 7: Science cluster tech transfer
Theme 7: Science cluster tech transfer
7.1 Canola Research Hub: Top Science for the Bottom Line
Barb Chabih (Canola Council of Canada)
AIP-P032 Canola disease management tools for the prairies – blackleg and sclerotinia
Activity 2: Improving canola resistance against blackleg disease through incorporation of novel resistance genes sourced from B. napus, B. rapa and B. oleracea
Objective: To identify new major resistance genes for blackleg disease through the phenotypic screening of 500 accessions of Brassica napus, B. rapa and B. oleracea with a differential set of Leptosphaeria maculans isolates.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 3: Identifying novel resistance genes from canola relatives and developing canola germplasm with multiple resistance genes sourced from B. nigra, B. juncea, and B. carinata
Objectives: To use cloned blackleg resistance genes (1) to identify the effective resistance genes, (2) to monitor the changing of pathogen isolates in canola fields, (3) to guide pyramiding effective resistance genes in the development of canola cultivars, (4) to guide the deployment of canola cultivars with various blackleg resistance genes; and (5) to identify novel blackleg resistance genes in canola relative species.
Principal Investigators: Drs. Genyi Li and Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba)
Activity 4: Genome-wide association mapping of quantitative resistance against blackleg in Brassica napus
Objectives: (1) To identify tightly-associated genetic markers for controlling adult plant resistance to blackleg; and (2) to define the underlying genetic architecture of this durable resistance to blackleg in B. napus.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 5: Transcriptomic analysis of the Leptosphaeria maculans- (blackleg-canola) interaction to identify resistance genes in canola and avirulence factors in L. maculans
Objectives: (1) To identify effectors and evaluate the comparative transcriptomic response of susceptible and resistant canola lines to virulent isolates of Leptosphaeria maculans (blackleg); and (2) to identify specific resistant genes in canola involved in the expression of an incompatible interaction with L. maculans.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Richard Bélanger (Université Laval)
Activity 6: Durable blackleg resistance stewardship through knowledge of blackleg pathogen population, resistance genes and crop sequence towards the development of a cultivar rotation program in the Prairie Provinces
Objective: To analyze Avr gene diversity and frequency of different Avr genes in different farms.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba)
Activity 7: Investigating the Resistance (R-gene) durability of canola cultivars and emergence of virulent blackleg isolates in farmers’ fields
Objectives: (1) To assess which cultivar resistance genes are most durable to disease pressure and make recommendations on when and how often to rotate cultivars studied; and (2) to examine the potential of emergence of virulent isolates when a new cultivar without corresponding virulent isolates is introduced.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba)
Activity 8: Rapid field diagnostics of the blackleg pathogen races through the identification of pathogen avirulence (Avr) genes and the development of Avr-specific markers
Objective: To develop molecular markers as an efficient tool for genotyping and monitoring L. maculans populations in canola fields across Western Canada.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 9: Development of a blackleg yield loss model and assessment of fungicide resistance in Western Canadian populations of Leptosphaeria maculans
Objectives: (1) To develop a yield loss model to relate the severity of blackleg on canola with the corresponding yield losses; and (2) to evaluate representative populations of L. maculans from Western Canada for the occurrence of fungicide resistance.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
Activity 10: Characterization of defense genes underlying quantitative resistance loci (QRL) to Sclerotinia stem rot in Asian Brassica napus and transfer of resistance to Canadian spring type canola
Objectives: (1) To identify molecular markers linked to sclerotinia resistance and identification of underlying defense genes; and (2) to transfer of sclerotinia resistance to elite open-pollinated spring type canola.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lone Buchwaldt (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 11: Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum necrosis inducing proteins in canola
Objectives: (1) To identify proteins secreted by S. sclerotiorum that cause or contribute to necrosis; and (2) to develop a method to screen B. napus lines for resistance to their effects.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dwayne Hegedus (AAFC Saskatoon)
In Pursuit of 52 by 2025 – AgriScience Project
2015.6 Identification and genetic mapping of Brassica napus for resistance to pathotype 5X of Plasmodiophora brassicae
Objectives: To identify new sources of B. napus for resistance to pathotype 5X. To study the inheritance of clubroot resistance (CR) in the new sources of B. napus. To map CR genes genetically in the new sources of B. napus. To develop robust SNP markers tightly linked to the CR genes for use in marker assisted breeding and facilitate the rapid incorporation of multiple CR genes into elite canola breeding lines.
Research Team: Drs. Fengqun Yu – Principal Investigator, Gary Peng and Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Sheau-Fang Hwang (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development); Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
2015.12 Understanding the mechanisms for race-specific and non-specific resistance for effective use of cultivar resistance against blackleg of canola in Western Canada
Objective: The overall goal is to understand the mechanisms of blackleg resistance associated with specific and non-specific resistance genes in representative canola cultivars/germplasms to provide science-based guidelines for accurate assessment and optimal use of different types of host resistance against blackleg disease of canola in Western Canada.
Research Team: Drs. Gary Peng – Principal Investigator, Fengqun Yu, Linda McGregor, Xunjian Liu, Zhai Chun (AAFC Saskatoon); Drs. Chithra Karunakaran and Rachid Lahlali (Canadian Light Source)
2015.14 Characterization of the new strains of the clubroot pathogen in Alberta
Objective: The primary objective of this project is to mitigate the risk posed to the agricultural industry by the emergence of new strains of Plasmodiophora brassicae able to overcome the resistance in “clubroot resistant” canola. The project will identify and characterize the strains of P. brassicae that can overcome resistance and identify genetic resources that are not prone to this resistance breakdown. Molecular markers will be developed that can distinguish P. brassicae strains and, if possible, identify pathogen populations based on pathotype.
Research Team: Dr. Sheau-Fang Hwang – Principal Investigator (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development); Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
2015.15 Using SNP markers to assess genetic variability of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Canada
Objective: The objective of the project is to use assessment of genetic relatedness (based on SNP markers) to answer several important questions related to introduction of lines of P. brassicae that were pathogenic on canola onto the Canadian prairies. First, does this introduction represent a single event, or multiple introductions, and where did the introduction originate from? Second, is the pathogen population in Alberta as diverse as those studied elsewhere, and does this high / low diversity have implications for durability of resistance against this pathogen? Third, are the new virulent collections (colloquially referred to as 5X) genetically similar, and which pathogen lines are they derived from?
Research Team: Drs. Bruce Gossen – Principal Investigator, Fengqun Yu and Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta); Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald (University of Guelph)
Objective: Our overall objective is to develop a holistic and sustainable approach to flea beetle control. The objectives are to: (1) develop descriptive economic thresholds for flea beetles (2) identify the suite of natural enemies of flea beetles using innovative molecular methods (3) define landscape characteristics that limit flea beetle populations and increase mortality of flea beetles by natural enemies; (4) develop models to predict flea beetle emergence and major seasonal activity based on abiotic environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation, wind, soil temperature); and (5) incorporate all these components into a comprehensive tool and set of management guidelines for canola producers.
Research Team: Dr. Alejandro Costamagna (University of Manitoba); Dr. Barb Sharanowski (University of Manitoba); Dr. John Gavlovski (Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development); Dr. Rishi Burlakoti and Andy Nadler (Weather Innovations); Dr. Hector Carcamo (AAFC Lethbridge); Jennifer Otani (AAFC Beaverlodge); Dr. Tyler Wist (AAFC Saskatoon)
2015.27 To germinate or not to germinate? – Towards understanding the role dormancy plays in canola seed and seedling vigour and stand establishment
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) Establish the relative degree of pod shatter susceptibility or resistance in commercial canola breeding lines or hybrids relative to a diverse set of spring Brassica napus (Bn) lines; ii) Define the regions of the spring Bn genome that contribute to both shatter tolerance and shatter susceptibility and investigate the underlying pod physiological structural and biochemistry contributors; iii) Explore methodology for characterizing and quantifying in-field shattering, focusing on methods amenable for high-throughput analyses of large mapping or breeding populations.
Research Team: Dr. Sally Vail (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon); Steve Robinson (AAFC Saskatoon); Robert Gulden (University of Manitoba); Steve Shirtliffe (University of Manitoba)
Growing Forward 1 (2008-2013): Canola/Flax Agriscience Cluster
Theme 1: Oil nutrition
1.1.1 Canola oil multi-centre intervention trial (COMIT)
Objective: To examine how the consumption of different dietary oils affects a broad range of metabolic responses that are important in the development of cardiovascular diseases. This study will examine the relationship between dietary oil consumption and arterial function, blood fat content, and blood markers of cardiovascular disease risk. Additionally, the efficiency of the body in converting fat from dietary oils into other specific fat compounds with known health benefits will be examined. Also, the correlation between psychosocial parameters and vascular function will be studied.
Research Team: Dr. Peter Jones (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Dr. David Jenkins (University of Toronto); Dr. Benoît Lamarche (Laval University); Drs. Penny-Kris-Etherton and Sheila West (Penn State)
1.2.1. Effect of canola oil as part of a low glycemic load diet on glucose control and coronary heart disease risk factors in type 2 diabetes
Objective: Large observational studies have shown cereal fiber and low glycemic load diets to protect from diabetes and heart disease. The use of low glycemic load diets containing healthy fats (i.e. canola oil) and low glycemic index foods still remains to be established. This research aims to build on these earlier findings by establishing canola oil as an effective means to lower the glycemic load of the diet and establish its health benefits.
Research Team: Drs. David Jenkins and Cyril Kendall (University of Toronto)
1.2.2 Effects of canola oil fatty acid composition on insulin resistance and obesity
Objective: The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of canola oil and its fatty acid composition for prevention and treatment of insulin resistance, inflammation and obesity using a rodent model of diet-induced obesity. This research will fill an important gap in knowledge regarding the effects of canola oil for the prevention and management of insulin resistance, inflammation and obesity.
Research Team: Drs. Carla Taylor and Peter Zahradka (Canadian Centre for Agri-food Research in Health and Medicine)
1.2.3 Effects of canola oil on blood vessel function in peripheral arterial disease (PA)
Objective: Several types of studies indicate that dietary fatty acid composition modulates blood vessel function, but there have been no studies focussing on canola oil. The objective of this study is to assess the effects of canola oil consumption on blood vessel function in both acute and chronic (8 week) studies with healthy participants and individuals with PAD.
Research Team: Drs. Carla Taylor and Peter Zahradka (Canadian Centre for Agri-food Research in Health and Medicine)
Theme 2: Meal nutrition
2.1.1 Maximize use of canola meal in high value dairy feeds
Objective: This is a multi-institution co-ordinated series of studies looking at protein, amino acid and energy metabolism influencing milk production and composition. The end objective is to provide information about canola meal amino acid utilization by dairy cows to feed industry nutritionists so that it can be accurately formulated into dairy cow diets.
Research Team: Dr. Tim Mutsvangwa (University of Saskatchewan); Dr. Ed DePeters (University of California Davis); Dr. David Schingoethe (South Dakota State University); Dr. Lou Armentano (University of Wisconsin); Dr. Hélène Lapierre (AAFC Sherbrooke)
2.2.1 High inclusion levels of regular and high energy canola meal in animal feeds
Objective: The objective of this research is to fully investigate the practical feeding of canola juncea meal. Some aspects of this evaluation include: high inclusion levels in swine and poultry diets, enzyme work in poultry diets, and ensuring that canola juncea meal still meets the nutritional needs for ruminants despite the lower fibre content.
Research Team: Drs. Ruurd Zjilstra and Eduardo Beltranena (University of Alberta); Drs. Bogdan Slominski and Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba); Dr. Derek Anderson, (Nova Scotia Agricultural College); Dr. Tim McAllister (AAFC Lethbridge)
2.2.2 Improving carbohydrate composition of canola meal to increase energy content
Objective: To determine what the important energy yielding and energy detracting carbohydrate components of canola meal are with the objective of providing information to canola breeders to develop high energy canola varieties.
Research Team: Dr. Gerhard Rakow (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Bogdan Slominski (University of Manitoba)
Theme 3: Crop establishment
3.1.1 Management practices for optimum canola emergence
Objective: To determine critical seeding factors that affect canola stand establishment.
Research Team: Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Mike Bevans, Blanie Metzger and Lawrence Papworth (AGTech Centre, Lethbridge); Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort); Dr. Byron Irvine (AAFC Brandon); CCC Agronomy Specialists
3.1.2 Impact of management and environment on canola establishment based on survey data
Objectives: To conduct a field survey of randomly selected canola fields to provide a complete and unbiased assessment of crop stands in the Prairie Provinces, a first for this type of critical assessment. To determine the impact of the environment, management and weeds on crop establishment.
Research Team: Julia Leeson (AAFC Saskatoon) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Christoph Neeser (AARD Brooks)
3.1.3 Enhancing canola emergence with innovative stubble management practices and use of crop establishment aids
Objective: To enhance canola establishment by manipulating stubble height and use of companion crops to assist with canola emergence from a deeper depth.
Research Team: Dr. Aaron Glen (AAFC Brandon) – Principal Investigator; Drs. William May and Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head); Dr. Herb Cutforth (AAFC Swift Current); Dr. Paul Bullock (University of Manitoba); Dr. Chris Holzapfel (Agriculture Research Foundation, Indian Head)
3.1.4 Improving canola establishment and uniformity across various soil-climatic zones of Western Canada
Objective: To determine the effect of various degrees of uniformity in plant stand on crop development, seed yield and quality of canola in various soil-climatic zones, and to evaluate the effect of seed vigour and straw management options on establishment and crop yield.
Research Team: Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Drs. Bill May and Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head); Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Byron Irvine (AAFC Brandon); Dr. Rob Gulden (University of Manitoba)
3.1.5 Farm gate investigation of best management practices in canola establishment and production systems
Objective: To conduct a comprehensive farm gate investigation of the best management practices producers have been using in canola production across the major canola production zones of Western Canada.
Research Team: Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current) – Principal Investigator
3.1.6 Factors influencing canola emergence
Objective: To determine the impact of seeding speed, seeding depth and canola seed type on canola emergence.
Research Team: Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Drs. Bill May and Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head); Dr. Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge)
Theme 4: Crop nutrition
3.2.1 Improving nutrient management in canola and canola-based cropping systems
Objectives: To improve the safety and effectiveness of seed-placed N, P and S by evaluating seedling damage, crop yield, and quality as affected by varying sources of conventional and enhanced efficiency fertilizers applied alone and in blends across a range of environments. To determine the effect of the preceding crop (flax, wheat or canola) on yield, nutrient response, and soil quality parameters (aggregation, microbial activity, penetration resistance) in the following canola or wheat crop. To determine the effect of various methods of S fertilizer management on quantity and quality of canola for biodiesel production.
Research Team: Dr. Cynthia Grant (AAFC Brandon) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Jeff Schoenau and Fran Walley (University of Saskatchewan); Drs. Jean Lafond and Denis Pageau (AAFC Normandin); Dr. Sukhdev Malhi (AAFC Melfort); Dr. Brian Beres (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. John Heard (MAFRI); Dr. Don Flaten (University of Manitoba); Dr. Tarlok Sahota (Thunder Bay Agricultural Research Center)
3.2.2 Enhancing nitrogen management for canola production: addressing field, spatial and temporal variability with in-crop variable rate applications of nitrogen fertilizer
Objectives: To validate the refining N rate choices in canola using the delta-yield approach of Kachanoski (University of Alberta) for specific fields. To validate in-crop, variable rate applications of N using optical sensors in canola over a wide geographical area using on-farm field trials. To determine the implications of the repeated use of optical sensors over the same area relative to the current methods of N rate determinations on overall performance and risk management using detailed small plot research trials.
Research Team: Dr. Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Byron Irvine (AAFC Brandon; Dr. Chris Holzapfel (Agriculture Research Foundation, Indian Head); Miles Dyck (University of Alberta)
3.2.3 Nitrogen dynamics
Objective: To determine fertilization and crop production practices that would reduce greenhouse gas (nitrous oxide) emissions while simultaneously attaining canola with high yield and quality.
Research Team: Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Xiying Hao (AAFC Lethbridge); Drs. Neil Harker and John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort)
3.2.4 Phosphorous fertilizer and canola oil analyses
Objective: To determine best application rates, timings, and formulations of phosphorus fertilizer for high quality canola oil production. With the recent increase in phosphorous prices, farmers are tempted to cut back on rates and depend on soil reserves to produce the canola crop. A better understanding of the implication of phosphorous management on canola yield and quality is needed.
Research Team: Dr. Cynthia Grant (AAFC Brandon) – Principal Investigator
Theme 5: Crop protection
3.3.1 Facilitating the delivery of practical sclerotinia stem rot risk forecasts based on improved assessment of canola petal infestation
Objectives: To develop a rapid method of pathogen detection on flower petals and relate this to field incidence of sclerotinia and weather/crop modelling. To collaborate with private seed testing labs with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) capabilities, universities, industry and provincial staff to deploy a commercially available test related to sclerotinia stem rot risk forecasts.
Research Team: Dr. Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta); Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Melfort); Dr. Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Debbie McLaren (AAFC Brandon); Dr. Khalid Rashid (AAFC Morden); Dr. Faye Dokken (SAF Regina); Dr. David Kaminski (MAFRI Carman); Dr. Jim Broatch (AARD Lacombe); Derwyn Hammond (CCC, Brandon)
3.3. Weather-based assessment of sclerotinia stem rot risk
Objective: To quantify the influence of fundamental weather factors on sclerotinia severity and correlate these factors to pathogen incidence in order to develop weather-based assessments of sclerotinia stem rot disease risk. Ultimately, the goal is improved efficiency and efficacy of disease control methods while enhancing the predictability of the disease forecast model.
Research Team: Dr. Paul Bullock (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Andy Nadler (MAFRI, Carman)
3.3.3 Defining populations of the L. maculans pathogen in test sites used for canola blackleg resistance trials
Objectives: To develop a tool for defining populations of the Leptosphaeria maculans pathogen at canola blackleg-resistance trial sites. To develop a set of single blackleg-resistance-gene substitution lines for B. napus canola. To evaluate the effectiveness of these lines for monitoring blackleg populations in the field and for testing L. maculans isolates in the laboratory.
Research Team: Dr. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Fengqun Yu (AAFC Saskatoon)
Theme 6: Harvest Management
3.4.1 Evaluation of on-farm harvest losses in canola across Western Canada
Objective: To quantify on-farm canola yield losses and to understand the contributing factors.
Research Team: Dr. Robert Gulden (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Steve Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan); Dr. Linda Hall (University of Alberta)
3.4.2 Developing methods to estimate pod drop and pod shatter in canola
Objective: To develop a quantitative or semi-quantitative method for easy and reliable estimation of pod drop and pod shatter in a maturing canola stand.
Research Team: Robert Gulden (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator
Theme 7: Storage management
3.5.1 Storage and handling characteristics of new varieties of high oil content canola
Objective: To develop safe storage guidelines for high oil content canola cultivars. This project will help to store the new high oil content canola varieties in a safe and efficient manner, preventing spoilage.
Research Team: Dr. Digvir Jayas (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Noel White (AAFC Winnipeg); Dr. Fuji Jian and Chelladurai Vellaichamy (University of Manitoba)
3.5.2 Feasibility of bag storage system for canola under prairie conditions
Objective: To quantify the changes in seed quality of canola during bag storage. This study will give detailed information about the feasibility of using harvest bags to store canola in the prairie regions, examining both high and lower oil content varieties.
Research Team: Dr. Digvir Jayas (University of Manitoba) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Noel White (AAFC Winnipeg); Dr. Fuji Jian and Chelladurai Vellaichamy (University of Manitoba)
Theme 8: Integrated crop management
3.6.1 Integrated crop management systems for wild oat control
Objective: To determine innovative agronomic practices for superior wild oat control in field crops in Canada.
Research Team: Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Kelly Turkington and Vern Baron (AAFC Lacombe); Drs. Bob Blackshaw, Newton Lupwayi and Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Denis Pageau (AAFC Normandin); Dr. Linda Hall (University of Alberta); Dr. Steve Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan); Dr. Rob Gulden (University of Manitoba); Dr. John Rowsell (University of Guelph)
3.6.2 Improved integrated crop management with beneficial insects
Objective: To determine aspects of the biology of Diadegma insulare in canola in Western Canada with a focus on its role as a parasitoid for diamondback moth. The information gained will be utilized to train agronomists and farmers to monitor and sample crops for this insect and so reduce insecticide use where possible.
Research Team: Dr. Lloyd Dosdall (University of Alberta) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Owen Olfert and Julie Soroka (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe)
3.6.3 Input study and recovery
Objective: To determine how many years it takes to recover from zero and 50% fertilizer and herbicide inputs.
Research Team: Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Bob Blackshaw and Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort); Dr. John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe)
3.6.4 Legumes before canola
Objective: To determine the agronomic and economic merits of growing legume crops in the year preceding canola to reduce the amount of fertilizer required in canola production.
Research Team: Dr. John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Drs. Bob Blackshaw, Newton Lupwayi and Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge); Drs. Cynthia Grant and Byron Irvine (AAFC Brandon); Drs. Kelly Turkington and Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort); Drs. Bill May and Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head); Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current)
Theme 9: Sustainability
3.7.1 Determining arthropod biodiversity in canola cropping systems as a key to improved sustainability of production
Objective: This project will develop strategic foundation information on the biodiversity of arthropods in canola agro-ecosystems. The ultimate goal is to develop a new database of information on arthropod biodiversity in genetically modified and conventional cropping systems that can assist other realms of canola integrated crop management research for improving sustainability of canola cropping systems.
Research Team: Dr. Lloyd Dosdall (University of Alberta) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Hector Carcamo (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. John Spence (University of Alberta); Dr. Jim Broatch (AARD Lacombe)
3.7.2 Economic profitability and sustainability of canola production systems in Western Canada
Objective: The objective of the proposed economic analyses is to evaluate canola production systems, primarily at the farm-level, to determine profitability of systems, economic trade-offs within the systems, and associated financial risk. Three studies will include: input study (initiate 2010), frequency of canola in rotation (initiate 2010), and canola emergence (initiate 2011). The analyses will integrate physical production factors with profitability, providing producers and the industry with economic information on which to make better production decisions and increase profitability.
Research Team: Dr. Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Scott Jeffrey (University of Alberta); Dr. Danny LeRoy (University of Lethbridge); Dr. Neil Harker and John O’Donovan (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Stewart Brandt and Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort)
3.7.3 The environmental footprint of canola and canola-based products
Objectives: To determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of primary canola production through intensive field measurements and use of survey data of canola production practices and marketing. To calculate the GHG life-cycle of canola seed and key canola based products of canola meal, canola oil, and biodiesel from canola. To develop relative assessments of environmental impact of canola-based products with respect to potentially competing products.
Research Team: Dr. Vern Baron (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Brian McConkey (AAFC Swift Current); Dr. Reynald Lemke (AAFC Saskatoon)
3.7.4 Evaluation of adaptability and ecological performance of Brassica juncea canola in diverse growing environments
Objective: To evaluate the adaptability of Brassica juncea canola in various environments across Western Canada, ranging from the drier, hotter areas of southwest Saskatchewan and southeast Alberta to more humid, central prairies, and expand to high-yielding areas of south Manitoba.
Research Team: Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Cecil Vera (AAFC Melfort); Drs. Bill May and Guy Lafond (AAFC Indian Head); Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge)
3.7.5 Exploring the ecological impact of canola-inclusive cropping systems in Western Canada
Objectives: To identify weed species associated with canola production and determine if shifts in species abundance and community composition have occurred over time in farmer fields. To evaluate the effects of management practices on weed species richness and diversity. To assess the impact of increased rotational frequency of canola on weed community composition and population shifts.
Research Team: Dr. Christian Willenborg (University of Alberta) – Principal Investigator; Julia Leeson (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott)
3.7.6 Consistent and environmentally sound canola production
Objective: To determine best management practices for consistent and environmentally sound production of high-quality canola for the oil and meal markets.
Research Team: Dr. Bob Blackshaw (AAFC Lethbridge) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe); Drs. Hector Carcamo, Newton Lupwayi, Xiying Hao, Elwin Smith and Bernie Hill (AAFC Lethbridge); Drs. John O’Donovan and Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe); Drs. Eric Johnson and Stewart Brandt (AAFC Scott); Dr. Kevin Falk (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort)
3.7.7 Canola biodiesel sustainability
Objective: To enhance on-going biodiesel studies (ABIP) and conduct more detailed oil profile and biodiesel sample analyses in long-term canola rotation studies.
Research Team: Dr. Neil Harker (AAFC Lacombe) – Principal Investigator; Drs. John O’Donovan and Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe); Drs. Bob Blackshaw, Newton Lupwayi and Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Eric Johnson (AAFC Scott); Dr. Byron Irvine (AAFC Brandon); Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort)
Objectives: To develop & implement field surveillance technologies and laboratory assays for weeds, insects and plant diseases. To develop novel forecast & risk assessment technologies. To determine ecological, biological, climatological and crop management relationships that influence pest status. To develop new alternative integrated control and mitigation tactics.
Research Team: Dr. Owen Olfert (AAFC Saskatoon) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Hector Carcamo (AAFC Lethbridge); Dr. Kelly Turkington (AAFC Lacombe); Jennifer Otani (AAFC Beaverlodge); Dr. Bob Elliott, Dr. Julie Soroka, Dr. Chrystel Olivier and Julia Leeson (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Randy Kutcher (AAFC Melfort); Dr. Debbie McLaren (AAFC Brandon)
3.7.9 Top Canola Grower survey
Objective: To measure the impact of the Canola/Flax Agri-Science Cluster research projects and communication efforts on growers’ crop production practices, behaviours and knowledge. The initial assessment will be used as the baseline measure and provide insight into the specific messages that the Canola Council of Canada needs to communicate to canola growers. Follow-up measurement would then determine the extent to which production practices have improved as a result of the Canola Council’s research projects and extension efforts. To establish the production practices that result in top yields and characterize a ‘Top Canola Grower.’
Research Team: Dr. Elwin Smith (AAFC Lethbridge) – Principal Investigator; Dr. Richard Carew (AAFC Summerland)
SaskCanola – Developing Innovative Agri-Products (DIAP)
Activity 1: Development of sclerotinia resistant Brassica napus lines and molecular markers for marker-assisted breeding.
Objectives: The long-term objective is to provide the canola industry with resistance genes and molecular markers linked to resistance for developing stem rot resistant canola. In the short term, the objectives are: (1) To develop molecular markers linked to sclerotinia resistance in new B. napus accessions recently identified in the PGRC collection; (2) To identify genes associated with resistance to sclerotinia stem rot resistance in a Chinese B. napus cultivar (ZhongYou 821); (3) To assess the genetic and pathogenic variation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates on the Canadian prairies.
Research Team: Drs. Lone Buchwaldt, Dwayne Hegedus and Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 2: Improving the durability of resistance to blackleg in Brassica napus using the novel LepR4 gene
Objective: The overall objective is to provide canola breeders with canola donor lines containing the LepR4, LepR5 and LepR6 blackleg resistance genes, genetic map locations for each gene and molecular markers linked to each gene for marker-assisted selection in advanced canola breeding material.
Research Team: Dr. Derek Lydiate (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 3: Transfer of pod shatter resistance from yellow seeded B. napus and B. juncea to canola
Objective: This study is focusing on the genetic control and field analysis of pod shatter in yellow seeded Brassica napus and Brassica juncea in an attempt to improve shatter resistance in conventional canola.
Research Team: Vicky Roslinsky, Drs. Sally Vail and Kevin Falk (AAFC Saskatoon)
Activity 4: Development of molecular genetic resources for Camelina sativa an alternative oilseed for the Prairies.
Objective: The overall objective of this activity is to provide resources for breeders to expedite the selection process and facilitate the development of Camelina sativa as an alternative oilseed for the bio-products industry and as a viable choice for producers on the Prairies.
Research Team: Drs. Isobel Parkin, Kevin Falk and Richard Gugel (AAFC Saskatoon)
Canola Agronomic Research Program – CARP (2015-2024)
2024 CARP funded projects
2024.02 Methods to isolate and maintain clubroot for improved resistance screening and labeling (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To improve the effectiveness and reliability of clubroot resistance screening and labelling through developing best practices to maintain clubroot isolates in plants to avoid virulence shifts, and optimizing microlaser technology as a fast and efficient way to isolate single-spore isolates for characterization and distribution.
Research team: Stephen Strelkov (Principal Investigator, University of Alberta), Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta) and Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.08 In vitro culture of Plasmodiophora brassicae (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: To develop methods for consistent in vitro culture of P. brassicae and to produce pure cultures of some of the major pathotypes of P. brassicae (to better breed for resistance and improved management strategies).
Research team: Mary Ruth McDonald (Principal Investigator, University of Guelph), Bruce Gossen (retired Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) and Afsaneh Sedaghatkish (University of Guelph)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.12 Population dynamics and monitoring programs for midges attacking canola (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To initiate a new monitoring program for canola flower midge across the Prairies using pheromone traps and to continue monitoring for swede midge. This will help determine the degree of threat canola flower midge poses to canola production in Western Canada.
Research team: Meghan Vankosky (Principal Investigator, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) and Boyd Mori (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.28 New pre-breeding tools for canola- facilitating canola improvement by accessing diploid variation (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2028)
Objective: To develop specific germplasm accessible through the creation of bridging lines, enabling access to valuable alleles and generating a new technology that will be available to canola breeders. The genetic resources developed during this project can be made available to the canola industry supporting additional efforts to introduce necessary variation required by canola breeders.
Research team: Steve Robinson (Principal Investigator, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon), Jean-Sebastien Parent (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Ottawa), Hossein Borhan (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) and Axel Diederichsen (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon)
Funder: SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.30 Comparative analysis of Verticillium longisporum lineages in the Canadian Prairies: Safeguarding canola production (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To provide critical genetics and genomics knowledge on verticillium stripe by collecting and characterizing different V. longisporum isolates prevalent in the Prairies, evaluating pathogenicity and determining the genetic diversity, population structure and sequence variations of the isolates, as well as developing a KASP marker for V. longisporum population prevalence characterization in Canada.
Research team: Zhongwei Zou/Harmeet Singh Chawla (Co-investigators, Wilfred Laurier University/University of Manitoba), Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba), Vikram Bisht (Manitoba Agriculture), Meghan Moran (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs), Alireza Akhavan (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture), Robert Duncan (University of Manitoba) and Sean Walkowiak (Canadian Grain Commission)
Funder: SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.33 Expanding BnVQs (Valene-Glutamine) gene family against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in canola (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2029)
Objective: To screen sclerotinia resistance in B. napus genotypes and characterize the BnVQ genes that may play an important role in conferring resistance. This project will examine B. napus genotypes for sclerotinia resistance, and profile BnVQ genes and other associated genes for their role in providing enhanced resistance. Based on this information, gene edited canola lines will be developed that have overexpressed genes conferring enhanced resistance.
Research team: Zhongwei Zou (Principal Investigator, Wilfred Laurier University), Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba) and Meghan Moran (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
Funder: SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.35 Tracking the movement of flea beetles across the Canadian Prairies (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: To inform modeling and forecasting of flea beetle movement on the Prairies at different geographic scales through a flea beetle survey and to conduct a field-level study to determine if flea beetles associated with non-crop hosts contribute to populations in adjacent commercial canola crops.
Research team: Boyd Mori (Principal Investigator, University of Alberta), Julian Dupuis (University of Kentucky), Meghan Vankosky (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon), Shelley Barkley (Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation), John Gavloski (Manitoba Agriculture) and James Tansey (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Manitoba Canola Growers
2024.37 A comprehensive survey of verticillium stripe and establishment of a disease nursery in Morden, Manitoba (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To better understand and combat verticillium stripe of canola through conducting a comprehensive verticillium stripe survey and establishing a disease nursery in Morden, Manitoba.
Research team: Ahmed Abdelmagid (Principal Investigator, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Morden), Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta) and Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.39 Volatile-based trapping and management of flea beetles (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To examine the use of synthetic copies of plant and insect-produced volatile signals through field experiments to attract spring and fall populations of striped and crucifer flea beetles in both commercial and experimental trap types. This project will also aim to predict damage based on number of flea beetles captured, and assess the effect of new chemical tools for monitoring and eventual “attract-and-kill” formulations.
Research team: Maya Evenden (Principal Investigator, University of Alberta), Meghan Vankosky (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) and Boyd Mori (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola and SaskCanola
2024.40 Clubroot pathotype evaluation and monitoring (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: To provide the foundation needed to drive clubroot research and resistance-breeding activities across Canada, clubroot will be tracked across the three prairies provinces for occurrence, severity and spread; generation of P. brassicae field isolates from infected roots; monitoring pathotype composition and virulence shifts, including identification of resistance-breaking pathotypes and their prevalence; and providing recommendations to grower and industry groups on emerging issues and pathotypes of particular concern.
Research team: Stephen Strelkov (Principal Investigator, University of Alberta), Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta) and and Michael Harding (Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.43 Investigating the conditions favoring verticillium stripe development and yield losses in canola (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2028)
Objective: To examine the interactions between blackleg and verticillium stripe in field conditions, and to quantify the combined effects of the two diseases on canola at various growth stages, from seedling to seed set, under varying soil pH levels, and to generate a large collection of V. longisporum isolates from across the Prairies. This project will also screen canola lines and accessions for verticillium stripe resistance, and assess the effects of verticillium stripe seed infection rate on disease severity.
Research team: Sheau-Fang Hwang/Fouad Daayf (Co-investigator, University of Alberta/University of Manitoba), Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta) and Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.63 Impact of synergistic interaction between V. Longisporum and L. maculans on canola yield (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2029)
Objective: To explore the compound effect of blackleg and verticillium stripe on susceptible and blackleg-resistant canola. This project will also discover new sources of resistance for verticillium stripe, develop susceptible and resistant control check lines for verticillium pathology tests, and develop and test the durability of B. napus introgression lines with multiple resistance genes against blackleg.
Research team: Hossein Borhan (Principal Investigator, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) Nicholas Larkan (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon) and Ralph Lange (InnoTech Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2024.64 Biocontrol of blackleg using carnivorous bacteria (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: To determine whether Myxobacteria (a group of soil bacteria which hunt and kill other bacteria and fungi) isolated in Manitoba can kill or inhibit the growth of Leptosphaeria maculan (the blackleg-causing fungus) and if they can protect canola plants from Leptosphaeria maculans under field-like conditions.
Research team: Paul Holloway (Principal Investigator, University of Winnipeg)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2023 CARP funded projects
2023.13 Digging out the unknown: Finding the resistance against verticillium stripe in canola (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: This research aims to identify the resistance genes/sources against V. longisporum pathogen.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2023.22 Exploiting susceptibility genes in canola to improve blackleg resistance (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: This research aims to generate novel resources and markers for blackleg resistance to be used in breeding for canola varieties with potentially broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance traits.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2023.39 Understanding the role of the clubroot pathogen kinases in disease progress and resistance (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: This project aims to identify and characterize the role of clubroot pathogen kinases in disease progress and resistance.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Edel Pérez-López (Université Laval)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, and Manitoba Canola Growers
2023.45 Capturing ancestral diversity for developing climate ready canola (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: This research aims to generate significant germplasm and data resources that could be exploited in the study of additional agronomic traits.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Isobel Parkin (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2023.47 Cover crops for flea beetle management (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: This project will evaluate the impact of fall rye and oat cover crops on flea beetles and their natural enemies in canola.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Yvonne Lawley (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022 CARP funded projects
2022.04 Continue monitoring Leptosphaeria maculans populations following the introduction of resistant genes Rlm2, Rlm4, and Rlm7 for effective resistance deployment on the Canadian Prairies (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: This project will monitor L. maculans population to understand the pathogen race structure across the prairies to guide R-gene deployment and breeding efforts.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.13 Drought tolerance in canola through modulating the Kanghan (KH) gene family (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: This project, utilizing the previously identified Kanghan (KH) gene family underpinning drought tolerance, aims to develop CRISPR lines to incorporate desired KH alleles into elite germplasm, expediting the breeding of drought tolerant canola cultivars.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jitao Zou (National Research Council of Canada)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.15 Updating the critical weed free period in canola (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: To define the critical weed free period (CWFP) in new hybrid canola cultivars to contribute to more efficient and sustainable weed management practices.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Gulden (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Results Driven Agricultural Research (RDAR)
2022.16 A meta-analysis of small-plot trial data to examine the relationship between crop development and environmental conditions in canola (April 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023)
Objective: Determine the relationship between environmental conditions, canola emergence, and other crop development factors through a meta- analysis of archived canola agronomic trial data.
Principal Investigator: Christiane Catellier (Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.17 Generation of canola lines with increased heat and drought tolerance by regulating phospholipid: diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: Evaluate canola lines under heat and drought stress with modifications of a key phospholipid (BnPDAT1) and identify additional candidate genes related to heat and drought stress, enabling breeding of canola with this abiotic stress tolerance.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Guanqun (Gavin) Chen (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.20 Biocontrol of blackleg using carnivorous bacteria (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: Determine the ability of strains of Myxobacteria to attack and kill Leptosphaeria maculans as a basis of a blackleg biocontrol strategy.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Holloway (University of Winnipeg)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.21 Balancing economic, action, and seed production thresholds for glyphosate- resistant kochia in canola (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: Determine the economic, action, and seed production thresholds for glyphosate- resistant kochia in canola at different densities, aiding in herbicide strategies with glyphosate / glufosinate stacked resistance and improving our understanding of the weed management implication of lower canola stand densities.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles Geddes (AAFC Lethbridge)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.23 How does fall-applied N fertilizer influence soil-emitted nitrous oxide emissions during the over-winter and spring thaw period in the semi-arid prairies? (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: Quantify nitrous oxide emission levels and understand the factors driving these emissions over the winter and spring – thaw period under semi-arid conditions. This knowledge will ultimately assist in optimizing canola nutrient management.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Reynald Lemke (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola
2022.25 Screening false cleavers from the Prairie Herbicide Resistance Surveys for quinclorac and glyphosate resistance (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2026)
Objective: This project will screen false cleaver samples for resistance to quinclorac and glyphosate to develop frequency and distribution maps, giving an indication of how quickly these biotypes may be increasing or spreading.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Breanne Tidemann (AAFC Lacombe)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.28 Develop and assess different strategies to reduce the impact of pollen beetle Brassicogethes viridescens (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a new invasive insect pest on canola (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: This project will evaluate pollen beetle monitoring methods, relate trap counts to crop impacts, understand differences in attractiveness between canola cultivars, surveil fields in the prairies for the presence of pollen beetles, and survey for parasitoids as a natural defense against the pest.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Christine Noronha (AAFC Charlottetown)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF), and Results Driven Agricultural Research (RDAR)
2022.31 Effects of heat and drought on canola – pollinator interactions and crop yield (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: Evaluate the yield of canola exposed to heat and drought stress with and without pollinators to determine the potential for pollinators to rescue the crop from the detrimental effects of extreme weather.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Shelley Hoover (University of Lethbridge)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, and Results Driven Agricultural Research (RDAR)
2022.33 Climate change resilience of Prairie oilseed crops and their below-ground microbiota under drought stress in controlled and field environments (April 1, 2022- March 31, 2025)
Objective: Examine the soil, rhizosphere, and root microorganisms recruited by canola plants under stress conditions, isolating microbes that could help plants adapt.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Tim Dumonceaux (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola
2022.40 Deploying calcium-dependent protein kinases to fight canola pathogens (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2027)
Objective: This project seeks to use precise gene editing to develop broad spectrum cultivar resistance to clubroot and sclerotinia stem rot, using unique alleles of CPK’s (calcium-dependent protein kinases).
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jacqueline Monaghan (Queen’s University)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2022.44 Climate-smart canola: quantifying soil- and fertilizer-derived nitrogen sources and greenhouse gas emissions under canola hybrids (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: Determine the physiological, agronomic, and soil-focused metrics of canola nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) among a set of canola cultivars; differentiate the contributions of fertilizer and soil-derived N sources to canola uptake; determine whether cultivars with higher NUE also have higher N fertilizer recovery; and quantify N2O emissions.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Arcand (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, and Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)
2021 CARP funded projects
2021.04 Using avirulence markers to predict the phenotypes of clubroot pathotypes (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2025)
Objective: This project seeks to develop a fast and reliable phenotyping system, a wide and accurate genomic collection of P. brassicae pathotypes in Canada, and a molecular assay that allows fast and precise identification of avirulent pathotypes. The proposed research is precisely targeted to fill these existing gaps in knowledge and will be essential for canola farmers, breeders, and the canola industry in general contributing to long-term management of clubroot.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Edel Pérez-López (Université Laval)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation
2021.10 New clubroot pathotypes and second generation resistance (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: This project focuses on exploring the interaction between the clubroot pathogen and 2nd generation clubroot-resistant (CR) canola, facilitating knowledge-based breeding and the strategic deployment of CR canola cultivars.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2021.18 Purifying genotypes of Plasmodiophora brassicae and developing SNP markers linked to races of P. brassicae populations collected in Western Canada (October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2026)
Objective: This project has 5 objectives:
- Develop an efficient method to produce near pure genotype isolates (NPGI)
- Produce diverse NPGIs from clubroot galls collected in Western Canada
- Determine race profile for each NPGI
- Carry out genome sequencing of selected NPGIs
- Develop molecular markers tightly linked clubroot genes and obtain pure genotype isolates of P. brassicae
Principal Investigator: Dr. Fengqun Yu (AAFC – Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2021.25 Enhanced understanding of cleavers populations in Western Canada (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: This project will explore the biological characteristics of cleavers in Western Canada. Understanding weed biology is the first BMP for reducing the risk of herbicide resistance. This will allow farmers to integrate biological information into weed management strategies in the field. The knowledge gained will also be used to help formulate and test a detailed integrated pest management (IPM) strategy for cleavers for Western Canadian producers.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Breanne Tidemann (AAFC – Lacombe)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2021.27 The role of insect feeding and plant defense responses in aster yellows disease epidemiology (April 1, 2021 – April 30, 2024)
Objective: The goal of this project is to generate information for the development of improved integrated pest management practices (IPM) for Aster leafhoppers and the Aster Yellows disease. Specifically, to:
- Quantify the feeding behavior of Aster leafhoppers on different host plants and examine the relationship between feeding time and Aster Yellows Phytoplasma (AYp) titer using different methods.
- Establish feeding and reproductive preferences of Aster leafhoppers using Arabidopsis thaliana lines in which their defense mechanisms are activated or silenced.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sean M. Prager (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers
2021.31 Building bridges to success – Accessing Brassica diploid variation for canola improvement (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: The goal of this project is the development of new diploid bridging germplasm that is generated by successive backcrossing and marker-assisted selection, followed by the generation of new fertile synthetic B. napus using these diploids as parents. Additional experiments will be conducted to reduce the strength of the genetic block that significantly impede interspecific crossing efficiency for more direct access to diploid genetic diversity.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steve Robinson (AAFC – Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers
2021.44 Investigating interactions of ascospores and pycnidiospores with blackleg resistance in canola and efficacy of new seed applied fungicides in these specific interactions in Western Canada (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: This research addresses a knowledge gap by conducting a three-part research project that scrutinizes the interactions of ascospores and pycnidiospores with blackleg resistance in canola and efficacy of seed applied fungicides in these specific interactions in Western Canada. It is expected to better understand the pathosystem, and instill new discussions aiming for more efficient blackleg management that serves in the best interests of canola growers in Western Canada.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola
2020 CARP funded projects
2020.07 A proteomics-based approach towards identifying host and pathogen proteins critical to clubroot establishment in canola (April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2024)
Objective: This research will deliver knowledge and tools to improve utilization of existing clubroot resistant cultivars and to accelerate the discovery of new clubroot resistance genes, with the anticipation of exploring broad-spectrum and durable clubroot resistance that will be highly beneficial to breeders and growers of canola and other Brassica crops.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Christopher Todd (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partners: SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2020.10 Monitoring the canola flower midge with pheromone-baited traps (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022)
Objective: This project will refine the pheromone trapping system and evaluate the relationship between adult midges captured in pheromone-baited traps, egg and larval density, and damage in the field. In addition, this project will investigate the abiotic factors (e.g. weather, soil type) that affect midge population densities. Ultimately, this project will create an efficient monitoring tool that may be used to scout and forecast canola flower midge populations.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Boyd Mori (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation
2020.18 Identifying key predators and their role in canola insect pest suppression (September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2024)
Objective: This project will survey canola fields to characterize the insect community in canola fields with special reference to predatory species, and develop molecular tools (e.g., multiplex PCR, next-generation sequencing) to analyze the gut contents of invertebrate predators to determine their diet breadth and potential impact on pest species. Additionally, laboratory assays will be used to begin to quantify the impact of the key predators on pest populations.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Boyd Mori (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Wester Grains Research Foundation
2020.28 Enabling Canola Protein Optimization (April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2023)
Objective: This project will focus on canola seed protein composition (the types of proteins in the seed and what they can do, i.e. functionality) and is not to be confused with seed protein content (i.e. the total amount of protein in the seed). Furthermore, this project will develop canola better able to satisfy this burgeoning protein market. The initial goal will be to increase canola protein inclusion rates in monogastric animal feeds, followed by canola germplasm that produces protein better suited for human diets, and finally specialty varieties that produce protein for specific technical applications.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dwayne Hegedus (AAFC – Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2020.40 Pre-breeding lines combining canola quality with sclerotinia resistance, good agronomy and genomic diversity from PAK93 (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2025)
Objective: This project focuses on the development of pre-breeding lines which capture sclerotinia resistance, early-season vigor, early flowering, standability and yield potential with seed characteristics typical of canola quality (suitable oil, protein, glucosinolates and erucic acid contents).
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sally Vail (AAFC – Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation
2020.44 Addressing yield stability drivers of canola in a changing climate using high throughput phenotyping (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2023)
Objective: The results from this project will directly enable plant breeders to use high-throughput phenotyping tools to increase the size and/or efficiency of breeding programs. Automated computer-recognition of plant growth, health, resilience and yield, rather than the traditional approach of subjective data collection in the field, will increase speed, reliability and precision of trait identification.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sally Vail (AAFC – Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, Western Grains Research Foundation
2019 CARP funded projects
2019.6 Managing small patches of clubroot infestation in canola fields (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2023)
Objective: The objective of this research is to develop and validate best management practices for detecting and managing the spread of clubroot by containing introductions into new fields and managing hot spots of ‘new’ pathotypes in infested fields.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2019.9 Influence of pH on the clubroot pathogen: are there pH-insensitive strains? (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) evaluate the pH sensitivity of field and single-spore isolates representing important pathotypes of P. brassicae; ii) determine whether or not repeated exposure to higher pH conditions will result in shifts in the pH sensitivity of P. brassicae; iii) develop recommendations regarding liming as a clubroot management tool.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2019.10 Exploring novel seed-treatment options to mitigate the impact of blackleg on canola (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) understand the impact of L. maculans noculum level in the soil on the incidence and severity of blackleg in canola seedlings; ii) evaluate a wide range of new commercial fungicide products/formulations for seed treatment, against the current industry standard for control of early infection, iii) further assess top candidates in relation to rate, plant growth stage and environmental effect for the control of root and leaf infection; iv) validate the efficacy of top candidates in multi-site/year field trials.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partner: SaskCanola
2019.13 Surveillance networks for beneficial insects II: quantifying the canola yield effect of wetlands, shelterbelts and other insect reservoir habitats (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2023)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: determine how far services extend from beneficial arthropod reservoirs and determine how much these beneficial arthropod reservoirs contribute to canola yield.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Galpern (University of Calgary)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers
2019.23 On-farm survey of combine grain loss in canola across Western Canada (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020)
Objective: The overall objective of the project is to provide a deeper understanding of the source of canola harvest loss, including which parameters and variables are most likely to contribute to combine loss.
Principal Investigator: Lorne Grieger (PAMI)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2019.24 Understanding canola root morphology and microbiomes in response to soil phosphorus fertility (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2023)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to determine how different P management practices affect canola root system architectures (RSA) and the development of the root and rhizosphere microbiome.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Bobbi Helgason (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partner: SaskCanola
2019.27 Towards better understanding of genetics in Leptosphaeria-Brassica interactions via international collaborations to standardize the nomenclature of blackleg resistance genes (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to expand the current B. napus host differential lines, generate a common set of L. maculans differential isolates, genotype the R gene(s) of current blackleg resistant B. napus collections , and to create a common B. napus-Leptosphaeria database of genetics and genomics data as well as protocols.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2019.28 From field to the genome – application of 3rd generation sequencing to direct genotyping of canola pathogens (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to expand the existing genome sequence database of P. brassicae by sequencing recently discovered Canadian clubroot pathotypes, to apply and compare direct sequencing and targeted sequencing as diagnostic and genotyping methods, and to compare laboratory detection methods with direct in-field detection methods.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hossein Borhan (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2019.34 Verticillium stripe management (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: determine if there is yield loss and if so the extent of yield losses from Verticillium stripe, determine the effects of growth stage and inoculation techniques on infection and evaluate canola cultivars against Verticillium stripe.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sheau-Fang Hwang (University of Alberta)
Funding Partner: SaskCanola
2018 CARP funded projects
2018.1 Biopesticides as a novel management strategy for sclerotinia in canola (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2023)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) screen and evaluate biopesticide potential and efficacy for control of disease development and growth of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ; ii) conduct molecular characterization for bacterial strain identification and detection and evaluate bacterial genes turned on by the biopesticide that lead to improved performance and survival, iii) understand plant defense mechanisms involved in the biocontrol ability of the biopesticides, and iv) evaluate efficacy of bacterial biopesticides.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Susan Boyetchko (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2018.7 Effect of hairiness in brassica lines on the abundance, feeding and oviposition behavior of flea beetles, DBM and aster leafhopper (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) conduct field trials with naturally-hairy B. napus lines and B. villosa, to assess feeding damages of flea beetles, DBMs and aster leafhoppers, ii) conduct laboratory-based bioassays with naturally-hairy B. napus lines and B. villosa to assess feeding and oviposition behavior of flea beetles, DBM and aster leafhoppers, iii) gather information on the interactions between flea beetles, DBM and aster leafhopper with B. villosa and hairy lines on B. napus.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Chrystel Olivier (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2018.14 Canola frequency effects on nutrient turnover and root-microbe interactions (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) determine the influence of rotation and canola variety on cycling and availability of nutrients during the critical flowering stage, ii) examine how crop rotation effects on the structure of the canola root and rhizosphere microbiome, iii) identify and quantify root exudate responses to available soil nutrients or metabolites in the soil that result from different previous crops, iv) examine relationships between root exudates and microbial communities that reflect potential plant-mediated manipulation of nutrient fluxes.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Tim Dumonceaux (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2018.18 Assessing surface wax chemical diversity as a tool to defend against abiotic and biotic stress in canola (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2020)
Objectives: The project objectives are aimed at building a unique resource that will act as a foundation for further work towards the development of improved varieties through the manipulation of surface wax in B. napus.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark Smith (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partner: SaskCanola
2018.20 Development of a harmonized clubroot map (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2020)
Objective: The main objective of this research is to examine the feasibility of a harmonized clubroot map as a tool for the selection of effective disease management strategies, and assessing disease risk in specific regions.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2018.23 Generate knowledge and control strategies for the pollen beetle Brassicogethes viridescens (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a new invasive insect pest of canola (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) develop a laboratory rearing method for pollen beetle, ii) test the efficacies of insecticides against pollen beetles, iii) develop economic thresholds for pollen beetle in canola, iv) survey fields in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba for the presence/absence of pollen beetles and survey for naturally occurring parasitoids of pollen beetles in Atlantic Canada.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Christine Noronha (AAFC Charlottetown)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2018.28 Reducing toxicity of seed-placed phosphorus fertilizer in canola (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) determine the maximum safe rate of phosphorus fertilizer that can safely be placed with canola seed when using openers with different spreads t 9” and 12” row spacing, ii) determine the effect of the treatments on performance, yield and quality, iii) generate guidelines that producers and crop advisors can follow in determining the rate of seed-placed P fertilizer they can safely apply with different opener widths and row spacing.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Patrick Mooleki (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2018.34 Identification and assessment of the role of natural enemies in pest suppression in canola with specific reference to diamondback moth management (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) monitor natural enemy populations associated with diamondback moth (DBM) in canola, ii) develop of functional response models to understand relationships between DBM and its natural enemies to develop dynamic action thresholds, iii) assessment predation/parasitism of DBM life stages by major natural enemies under field conditions, iv) understand factors enhancing foraging and parasitism by a major natural enemy species, D. insulare in conservation biological control of diamondback moth.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Maya Evenden (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2018.39 Optimal source, placement and application timing for yield and reduction of greenhouse gas footprint for canola production on light texture soils (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021)
Objectives: The main objectives of this research are to determine which of the following practices perform better on light texture soils: placement, N source for shallow banding, nitrification inhibition for deep banding, split application, placement of in-season N, inhibiting ammonia loss with top dressing.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mario Tenuta (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2018.41 How does in-row seed spacing and spatial pattern affect canola yield? (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2022)
Objective: The overall objective of this research project is to optimize the spatial pattern and density for canola by addressing the questions of how canola yield, emergence and self-thinning differ between space planting and random seeding at different seeding rates, and how spatial uniformity interacts with plant densities and row spacing.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partner: SaskCanola
2017 CARP funded projects
2017.5 Introgression of clubroot resistance from B. rapa into B. napus canola and identification of molecular markers for resistance, and pyramiding of this resistance with other resistance genes (December 1, 2017 – November 30, 2021)
Objective: The key objective of this research project is to incorporate the CR gene(s) of the B. rapa accession into Canadian B. napus canola through cross between these two species, and identify molecular markers for use in marker-assisted breeding.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Habibur Rahman (University of Alberta)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2017.9 Pre-harvest herbicide and desiccation options for straight-combining canola: effects on plant and seed dry-down, yield and seed quality (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2020)
Objectives: The key objective of this research is to quantify the potential benefits of pre-harvest herbicide/dessicant applications with a focus on crop/seed dry down, yield and seed quality.
Principal Investigator: Chris Holzapfel (IHARF)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2017.12 Assessing the impact of Contarinia sp. on canola production across the Prairies (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2020)
Objective: This project will investigate the distribution, phenology, and population genetics of the Contarinia midge complex infesting canola throughout the Prairies, with the ultimate goal of understanding the potential threat to canola production throughout the prairie provinces.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Meghan Vankosky (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2017.13 Development of a pheromone-based monitoring system for a newly identified Contarinia midge on the Canadian Prairies (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2020)
Objective: This objective of this research is to identify the sex pheromone of Contarinia sp. and apply this information to develop a pheromone-based monitoring tool for use in protecting canola crops from this newly-identified pest.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Meghan Vankosky (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2017.19 Compaction impacts on canola establishment (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2020)
Objective: The objective of this research is to compare the performance of various canola populations in four tillage treatments under two moisture regimes to determine how to manage canola stands under compacted/excess moisture conditions for best performance.
Principal Investigator: Curtis Cavers (AAFC Portage la Prairie)
Funding Partner: Manitoba Canola Growers
2017.27 Monitoring the race dynamics of Leptosphaeria maculans for effective deployment and rotation of resistance genes for sustainable management of blackleg of canola in Western Canada (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2022)
Objectives: The objectives of this project are to: i) provide industry and producers the up-to-date pictures of L. maculans race profile in major canola crop regions on the prairies and guide the deployment/rotation of canola cultivars carrying different R genes; ii) monitor and analyze changes in the L. maculans population to gain important insights into pathogen race dynamics in current cropping systems; iii) identify new races of L. maculans capable of overcoming a specific set R genes before widespread breakdown of blackleg resistance; and iv) validate and adopt a novel SNP-array technology for efficient L. maculans race monitoring in the future.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2017.33 Field evaluation of a valuable germplasm resource designed to dissect complex traits in Brassica napus (the Nested Association Mapping population) (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to comprehensively characterize the developed NAM RIL population for agronomic, phenological, yield over two additional contrasting environments; provide field plots for sampling or data collection, and populate the NAM Centralized Database with mine-able data.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sally Vail (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2016 CARP funded projects
2016.1 Developing canola agronomy with precision planters (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2018)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) explore yield effects of seeding canola with a planter vs air seeder; ii) determine whether or not a precision planting system improves canola emergence and uniformity as well as optimum seeding rates with different row spacing; iii) determine maximum seed-safe rate of in-row liquid P when using a precision planter.
Principal Investigator: Ken Coles, Farming Smarter
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers
2016.8 Characterizing turbulent spray deposition from self-propelled sprayers (April 1, 2016 – April 30, 2020)
Objective: The objective of this project is to document the spray deposit distribution of a high-clearance spray boom under a variety of test conditions with a view to identifying means of improving deposition uniformity.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Tom Wolf (Agrimetrix Research & Training)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2016.9 Enhancing the beneficial root microbiome in canola (April 2, 2016 – March 31, 2019)
Objective: The project has two main objectives: i) assess the consistency and variability in the composition of the canola core root microbiome; ii) determine the crop rotation systems best favoring the establishment of a beneficial root microbiome in canola and in other rotation crops.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Chantal Hamel (AAFC Quebec Research & Development Centre); Dr. Yantai Gan (AAFC Swift Current)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, NSERC
2016.18 Enhanced modelling of Swede midge population dynamics in North America (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) develop a comprehensive population dynamics model for Swede midge; ii) elucidate life history differences among North American Swede midge populations using new model; ii) explore capacity of model to predict the lag-time between first introduction of Swede midge to an area and subsequent occurrence of economically damaging populations.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Rebecca Hallett (University of Guelph)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2016.20 Getting more bang for your buzz: Does pollination compensate for canola yield lost under sub-optimal soil moisture, nitrogen fertilization and/or seeding rates? (April 1, 2016 – August 31, 2019)
Objective:The objective of this project is to investigate agronomic contexts in which the benefits of honey bee pollination to canola yield might be more pronounced, opening the possibility for strategic management of honey bee pollination.
Principal Investigator:Dr. Ralph Cartar (University of Calgary)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Beekeepers’ Commission of Alberta
2016.21 Surveillance networks for beneficial insects: Can natural habitats serve as insect reservoirs, and do they contribute to canola yield? (April 1, 2016 – August 30, 2020)
Objective: The objective of this research is to measure how the proximity to specific natural habitat features is associated with beneficial insect abundance and diversity and canola yield.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Galpern (University of Calgary)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2016.24 Can we replace soya sauce with canola sauce? (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2018)
Objective: The objective of this project is to determine whether canola meal can be fermented into a soy sauce product or whether a fermented canola meal product could be produced which would be a novel condiment or food product.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Holloway (University of Winnipeg)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola
2016.25 Canola response and minimizing nitrogen losses in two-pass seeding-fertilization systems with varying placement methods in Manitoba (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017)
Objective: This project aims to evaluate the agronomic and environmental performance of surface broadcast, shallow banding and deep banding methods of applying nitrogen fertilizer to canola in order to maximize yield and reduce N losses.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mario Tenuta (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola
2016.27 Validation of lygus and other insect pest thresholds in commercial farms throughout Alberta (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2021)
Objective: The primary objective of this research is to conduct a field validation of economic thresholds for lygus bugs using realistic commercial scale canola fields. It is expected that another insect pest (flea beetles or cabbage seedpod weevil) may reach pest status in the same field and require management. Therefore, a second objective will be to quantify the impact of both pests on yield and the effect of spraying insecticide on each pest. A third objective for some sites will be to investigate landscape effects on lygus bug abundance and damage.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hector Carcamo (AAFC Lethbridge)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola
2016.39 Determining best practices for summer storage of canola (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017)
Objective: The objective of this project is to collect additional bin-scale data and to determine if higher moisture content canola (>7%) should be managed differently if it is to be stored over the summer months or for longer periods of time.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Joy Agnew (PAMI)
Funding Partners: Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, Saskatchewan ADF
2015 CARP funded projects
2015.6 Identification and genetic mapping of Brassica napus for resistance to pathotype 5X of Plasmodiophora brassicae (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2019)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) identify new sources of B. napus for resistance to pathotype 5X; ii) study the inheritance of clubroot resistance (CR) in the new sources of B. napus; iii) map CR genes genetically in the new sources of B. napus; iv) develop robust SNP markers tightly linked to the CR genes for use in marker assisted breeding; v) facilitate the rapid incorporation of multiple CR genes into elite canola breeding lines.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Fengqun Yu (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, AAFC
2015.12 Understanding the mechanisms for race-specific and non-specific resistance for effective use of cultivar resistance against blackleg of canola in Western Canada (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2018)
Objective: The overall goal is to understand the mechanisms of blackleg resistance associated with specific and non-specific resistance genes in representative canola cultivars/germplasms to provide science-based guidelines for accurate assessment and optimal use of different types of host resistance against blackleg disease of canola in Western Canada.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gary Peng (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, AAFC
2015.14 Characterization of the new strains of the clubroot pathogen in Alberta (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2019)
Objective: The primary objective of this project is to mitigate the risk posed to the agricultural industry by the emergence of new strains of Plasmodiophora brassicae able to overcome the resistance in “clubroot resistant” canola. The project will identify and characterize the strains of P. brassicae that can overcome resistance and identify genetic resources that are not prone to this resistance breakdown.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Stephen Strelkov (University of Alberta); Dr. Sheau-Fang Hwang (AARD)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, AAFC
2015.15 Using SNP markers to assess genetic variability of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Canada (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2018)
Objective: The objective of the project is to use assessment of genetic relatedness (based on SNP markers) to answer several important questions related to introduction of lines of P. brassicae that were pathogenic on canola onto the Canadian prairies.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Bruce Gossen (AAFC Saskatoon)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, AAFC
2015.17 Integrated approaches for flea beetle control – economic thresholds, prediction models, landscape effects, and natural enemies (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2018)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) develop descriptive economic thresholds for flea beetles ; ii) identify the suite of natural enemies of flea beetles; iii) define landscape characteristics that limit flea beetle populations and increase mortality of flea beetles by natural enemies; iv) develop models to predict flea beetle emergence and major seasonal activity based on abiotic environmental conditions; v) incorporate all these components into a comprehensive tool and set of management guidelines for canola producers.
Principal Investigators: Alejandro Costamagna (University of Manitoba); Barb Sharanowski (University of Manitoba)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola, AAFC
2015.27 To germinate or not to germinate? – towards understanding the role dormancy plays in canola seed and seedling vigour and stand establishment (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2018)
Objectives: The objectives of this research are to: i) establish the relative degree of pod shatter susceptibility or resistance in commercial canola breeding lines or hybrids relative to a diverse set of spring Brassica napus (Bn) lines; ii) define the regions of the spring Bn genome that contribute to both shatter tolerance and shatter susceptibility and investigate the underlying pod physiological structural and biochemistry contributors; iii) explore methodology for characterizing and quantifying in-field shattering.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Sally Vail, Dr. Isobel Parkin, Dr. Steve Robinson (AAFC Saskatoon); Dr. Robert Gulden (University of Manitoba); Dr. Steve Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan)
Funding Partners: Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, AAFC