Grower-funded agronomic research
The Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP) is funded by the three provincial canola grower organizations – Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, and the Manitoba Canola Growers – and administered by the Canola Council of Canada. Projects are selected for funding by canola growers.
Additional funds for selected projects are provided by the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) and other occasional funding partners.
Since 1985, CARP has supported canola agronomic research focused on increasing yield and profitability, reducing production risk and enhancing sustainability with effective technology transfer. Results are integrated into information tools such as the Canola Research Hub, Canola Digest, Canola Watch, the Canola Encyclopedia and extension presentations.
View previously funded CARP projects.
2025 CARP
The deadline has passed to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) for 2025 CARP.
For agronomic inquiries, please contact Chris Manchur. For all other inquires, please contact Ellen McNabb.
2024 CARP
Thirteen new canola research projects focused on increasing yield and profitability, reducing production risk and enhancing sustainability received funding under the Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP) in 2024. Projects are listed here and posted on the Canola Research Hub.
For agronomic and research-priority related inquiries, please contact Chris Manchur. For all other inquires, please contact Ellen McNabb.
How projects are selected
CARP will consider research in the disciplines of agronomy, genetics and germplasm development, prioritizing those research areas that have been identified through consultation with growers, expert steering groups, the canola value chain and insights from the annual Canola Week.
CARP proposals are reviewed by the research committees of Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers and Western Grains Research Foundation, with additional agronomic input and support from the Canola Council of Canada’s crop production and innovation team and other experts in the canola industry. Prior to submitting an LOI or Full Proposal, it is strongly encouraged that applicants read this article on Treatment Lists. Collaboration among organizations and partnership with other funding agencies is welcomed.
To learn about the most important areas of focus for project submissions, please see the annually updated Crop Production Research Priorities developed in collaboration with the three provincial grower organizations, and each funder’s own research priorities:
WGRF may participate in funding of projects selected by the grower organizations that align with their research priorities.
Extended funding opportunity for CARP projects
Researchers who have been previously funded by CARP and are looking to discover further findings, insights and recommendations from their past projects are encouraged to re-apply for funding. To stretch the value of recently completed projects, CARP can provide an opportunity for additional analysis of datasets to deliver conclusions that extend past what was provided in the original project, or to investigate new findings and questions that arose from the original work. Applications of this type are expected to have a smaller budget and shorter time frame and must conform to the overall CARP submission guidelines.
To receive notifications about requests for letters of intent and other research-related information, please subscribe to the “Crop Production Research Notifications” email distribution list.
Principal Investigators of a CARP project must complete the following reports on behalf of their research team and submit to Ellen McNabb:
CARP annual report (.doc template)
CARP final project report (.doc template)
CARP final abstract report (.doc template; to be completed and submitted with the final report)