2022 canola disease results to provide insight on potential risks and optional improvements for the upcoming growing season
Read moreCanola disease survey recap to inform risk management in 2023

2022 canola disease results to provide insight on potential risks and optional improvements for the upcoming growing season
Read moreOptimize canola nutrient management by testing and tailoring nitrogen and phosphorus rates, sources, placement and timing to your operation.
Read morePhoto credit: Shelley Barkley With many tasks and considerations on the go during the growing season, including scouting and counting insects in multiple spots within a field, time to observe…
Read moreSurveys are showing that herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds are a widespread issue across the Prairies. However the predominant weed species and type of resistance does vary by location. To address this,…
Read moreGrowers all know that maintaining seed quality and avoiding spoilage are key goals of canola storage. To achieve these goals, there are seed parameters (such as oil content, quality, temperature…
Read moreCanola shatter resistance, use of extendable knife and draper headers and checking for canola harvest losses can help maximize yields.
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