Insect update: Lygus, berthas and more

…interactions. The white spot on the back of this bertha armyworm is a tachinid fly egg. This is a natural parasitoid of bertha armyworm. Photo credit: Shelley Barkley Grasshoppers. Populations…

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Bertha armyworm in 2014

Canola Watch Live! had two key agronomy messages with regard to bertha armyworm management in 2014: 1. Lower canola prices will mean higher thresholds for bertha armyworm. See this relationship…

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Bertha armyworms work their way up

…are actively feeding. Do not apply during warm afternoons. MAFRI’s new bertha armyworm factsheet. Exit holes. While scouting for bertha and lygus, check pods for exit holes. Growers in southern…

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Insect update: Lygus, bertha, CSPW

…all in fields close by. Assess each field. More on bertha armyworm thresholds. Also note that beneficial insects, viruses and fungi can take down a high bertha armyworm population within…

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Identify green worms accurately

…are available, bertha will move up into the pods earlier. Find results for adult (moth) traps here: Alberta map and details on the risk levels. See Saskatchewan’s bertha info and…

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