Late-window herbicide: better late than never Wind and rain can push back herbicide spraying to the point of yield loss, but late-window applications can still be worth it. While some…
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Canola Watch: Sclerotinia spray decisions | Cabbage seedpod weevil
Moisture retention a feature of direct seeding/zero till practices Direct seeding/zero till practices are meant — among other things — to preserve moisture in times of need. With dry, scorching…
Read moreCanola Watch: Cabbage seedpod weevils | Second herbicide passes
CanolaCounts a quick, easy way to count plants and win prizes If you’re a canola grower or agronomist who hasn’t used yet, here are some good reasons to do so: 1. Scouting fields…
Read moreCanola Watch: Counting canola | Herbicide timing | Cleaning sprayers
Throwing hula hoops can help introduce randomness into the field scouting process, helping prevent growers from focusing on only the best and worst parts of the field. Canola Quiz…
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Canola calculator can help determine seeding rate Proper seeder calibration is an essential practice for achieving the stand you’re looking for. Here are four steps for better calibration. First, use…
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Record-keeping best tool to fight herbicide carryover Attractive prices can cause some growers to make last-minute rotation changes in favour of canola. Fields should always maintain a minimum two-year break…
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