Diamondback moth

A common pest insect in canola, the diamondback moth adults blow in from the southern United States each spring with their larval offspring – and subsequent generations – can cause…

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The larval stage of various cutworm species (including redbacked, pale western, darksided and dingy), can cause damage to canola plants by feeding on the cotyledons, leaves, stems or under soil…

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Clover cutworms

Similar to other cutworms, this insect pest only causes damage to the crop during the larval stage. As a generalist, it can feed on a variety of crops, including canola.…

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These occasional pest insects haven’t been reported to cause economic damage in canola on the Prairies. However, proper identification of the larval stage of the species that share this common…

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Cabbage seedpod weevil

This canola insect pest, which can cause considerable yield loss at the larval stage, has continued to increase its distribution in the Prairies since being found in southern Alberta. There…

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Bertha armyworm

Bertha armyworm is a significant insect pests of canola in Canada and some years can cause severe infestations. Properly identifying the insect and potential natural enemies in a field is…

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