Swede midge

This insect pest causes damage to canola while in its larval stage. It has been found in Ontario and other locations in Eastern Canada, and has the potential to become…

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Red turnip beetle

Both the adult and the larval stages of the red turnip beetle will feed on canola and other Brassica plants, however this occasional insect pest rarely causes economic damage. These…

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Painted lady

The painted lady or thistle butterfly (Vanessa cardui (L.)) is an occasional pest of canola, with the larval stage causing the damage. Fortunately, larvae feed primarily on Canada thistle leaves,…

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Lygus bugs

A common pest in canola (and can be an issue in other crops), the lygus bug has piercing-sucking mouthparts which cause physical damage to the plant through their nymph and…

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Flea beetles

Potentially the most common insect pest of canola crops, flea beetles first attack plants in the seedling to early vegetative stages, when they are most vulnerable. The crucifer and striped flea beetle species have the combined potential to cause significant damage that will impact the crop for the rest of the growing season. Therefore, a good understanding of these insects and a strong consideration for management strategies to control them is imperative to a successful canola crop.

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