Enter values for the three factors below to get your recommended seeding rate and watch your seed costs fluctuate with changes in emergence, seed size, and target plant density.
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Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) is measured in grams and can be found on every bag of certified seed.
Not sure what to target? Check out our plant density calculator to see what target would best suit your fields. In a hurry? The CCC recommends targeting at least 5-8 plants/ft2 to balance risk and profitability.
Get this number by assessing and recording emergence data each year. If you don't have a farm-based number to use, start with 60% emergence and adjust when you have multiple years of on-farm data to support a change.
Your Seeding Rate
Seed Rate
0lbs/acSeed Cost
$0.00/acSeeding at 5 lbs/ac may not give you an optimum or economical plant stand because heavier seed lots have fewer individual seeds per pound than light seed lots. Read More
Farmers could cut their costs with a lower seeding rate, but if that lower rate only achieves three plants per square foot at harvest, the drop in yield and revenue would exceed the seed cost savings.
See ‘Resources’ tab or www.canolaencyclopedia.com for more information on the economics of canola stand establishment.