Project Summary
This project aims to enhance Saskatchewan Soil Information System (SKSIS) by developing and integrating predictive soil mapping (PSM) tools into SKSIS, and by creating a standalone SKSIS feature for efficient use of SKSIS in internet-deficient areas.
The beta version of the SKSIS standalone app has been developed and has undergone internal testing. The app will enable producers to access soil data digitally even when they are in an internet-deficient area. Development and testing of PSM tools has led to refining of the PSM approach to adapt it to Saskatchewan landscapes and conditions. Further testing is ongoing at nine sites across Saskatchewan and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2021. Data-sharing models are currently in development, specifically focused on the use of blockchain tools to ensure data ownership and control will be completely maintained and tracked when data is uploaded into the SKSIS PSM system. Beta testing of the data sharing management system and producer partnered PSM tools is expected to be undertaken in the second half of 2021.